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Elaine Goldstine

Message From Elaine Goldstine,The CEO of the Jewish Federation: The Year in Review

December 16, 2015


At our December 1st 2015 Annual General Meeting, the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg passed a number of motions and resolutions, including the membership to the Board of Directors. We also showed presentation of highlights from the past year. The following are my remarks for the community. I'd like to provide you with excerpts:


We have been through a year of change and challenges. However, thanks to our devoted and creative staff, we are now in a stronger position on all fronts. Let me provide a few of the highlights from the past year:

We introduced a highly sophisticated data management system. We will now be more efficient in tracking donations, and tracking event participants.

•             We have over 250 dedicated volunteers on various Federation committees.

•             28 students and teachers participated in our Partnership Together program with Israel.

•             We have had 52 Birthright participants so far this year.

•             I am proud to say that we have an active birthright alumni program.

•             Over 150 Passover hampers were delivered by our Young Adult Division.

•             Shalom Baby has 2 annual showers.

•             17 participants are already registered for March of the Living.


2015 Campaign is Chaired Bryan Klein, together with Women’s Philanthropy Chair Elana Schultz and YAD Co-Chairs Baillie Chisick and Jared Akman. On December 1st:

•             campaign is "this close" to $5 Million; $4,942,976 - a 6.2% increase card for card **see update below

•             last year on this date $4,490,852

•             Women’s philanthropy $1.2 Million

•             YAD is at $262,000

•             we have welcomed 77 new donors so far

Approximately 850 people attended The Words and Deeds dinner honouring the Asper Family. We netted $450,000. Half of the Proceeds from the dinner will be added to the Federation’s endowment. CIJA will receive the other half for a project the Asper Family has chosen.


Our “Leave More than Memories” Endowment is at $3.7 Million. We are working closely with the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba to develop short and long term strategies to increase the endowment.



Federation organizes annual missions to Israel. We show participants the REAL Israel behind the headlines. We also engage speakers to offer insiders’ views on current events. Having just returned from a mission I can tell youthat what I saw was a positive vibrant country that continues to embrace the 21st century like they invented it.


Community Relations:

Before the Federal Election, Chair Joel Lazer and his team interviewed over 40 candidates. These interviews are an opportunity to educate the candidate regarding issues that are important to the Jewish Community. As the provincial election is around the corner, CR has already begun interviewing candidates.

Our annual Kristallnacht program this year highlighted the Filipino rescue of 1200 Jews from Austria and Germany just before World War II. The program attracted a record crowd of over 300.

CR has a very active outreach program with the First Nations communities. In fact, we are putting the final touches on a mission to Israel with Norway House Cree Nation.



We are proud to announce that we are working on “Operation Ezra”. This is a Community-based & Grass Roots Response to the refugee crisis. The Primary Objectives are:

•             to raise awareness of the Yazidis; and

•             to sponsor as many families as possible

We are working with the Operation Ezra leadership, with several Mennonite Churches, the Mennonite Central Committee, as well as Jewish and non-Jewish organizations within Winnipeg. As information becomes available, we will share it with you.



Under Jessica Cogan’s leadership, we are evaluating and reviewing the Engagement portfolio. The ever popular PJ Library program provides books to over 740 children in the community.


Next Generation is chaired by Laurel Malkin. Hillel has recently convened a programming committee and is looking forward to programs such as the Interfaith Seder. Our young adult division continues to grow. YAD engages 25-45 year old adults with a variety of programs from art shows to curling.


Planning, currently chaired by David Gisser, will be studying the issues of poverty and seniors. They are also continuing the Federation/synagogue dialogue.


Allocations, chaired by Kovi Smolack will be reviewing the procedures in order have a more efficient process.


GrowWinnipeg: Winnipeg is a popular destination! So far in 2015 we have received:

•             Visitors from Brazil, Turkey, Israel, Argentina, Russia and South Africa

•             We have welcomed 112 families totaling 372 individuals to our community

•             We are dealing with over 5000 requests for information


Kashrut: There have been recent rumblings in the community about Kashrut. Let me set the record straight.Kashrut in Winnipeg is under the authority of both Rabbi Jenkins from the Orthodox Union (OU) and Rabbi Benarroch. Both rabbis are working together to ensure the availability of Kosher food for our community.


Communication is very important. This year, we welcomed 7 new employees. I am fortunate to have a talented group of individuals who work at the Federation. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your dedication and commitment. David Kroft, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your Board for all the support you have provided. Adam Levene, to you and the incoming Board members – I wish you all a hearty mazel tov. And I look forward to working with all of you.


** by noon December 4th the CJA Campaign has exceeded $5 Million!


I'd like to wish each and every one of you a Happy Hanukkah!


 Elaine Goldstine,

Chief Executive Officer


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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