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December 21, 2015

Jewish National Fund Tu Bi’Shevat Activities

The Jewish National Fund (JNF) has planned an intense Tu Bi’Shevat Week starting with our traditional Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon and the Manitoba Children’s Museum, followed by a speaker from Israel and concluding with the “Dine and Schmooze” celebration.





Please be ready to answer our call on Sunday, January 24th as we hold our annual Tu Bi’Shevat Telethon at the Rady JCC Multi-Purpose Room from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm. This year, we are raising money to build a 6.5 Kilometre park at the entrance to Eilat. JNF will be committing all tree planting efforts and infrastructure to benefit Eilat’s residents providing shade desperately needed to allow people to cycle, walk and play away from the blazing sun.


The ever popular Tu Bi’Shevat at the Manitoba Children’s Museum will see JNF with Congregation Shaarey Zedek come together to organize crafts, games and much more for families on Sunday, January 24th, from 2pm to 4pm. One of the many highlights will be planting sunflower seeds in recycled JNF blue boxes, along with other activities that teach children about trees and Israel. This event is co-hosted by JNF, Congregation Etz Chayim, PJ Library, Rady JCC and Jewish Child and Family Service and Congregation Shaarey Zedek.



JNF is featuring Hanni Arnon, Director of AICAT (Arava International Center for Agricultural Training) on Thursday, January 28th from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Berney Theatre, Asper Jewish Community Campus. “Tikkun Olam through Education” (Repair the World through Education) will be the subject of her conference. This session would be a unique opportunity for everyone to have a glimpse into the world of semi-arid Central Arava, and how AICAT is making that area viable for agriculture despite the excessive heat and severe lack of water. AICAT trains 1,200 students a year from countries throughout South East Asia: Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, India, Ethiopia, Southern Sudan, Jordan and Tibet. This presentation is generously cosponsored by the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg.



Come to our “Tu Bi’Shevat Wine and Buffet Evening” to celebrate the new year of Trees on Saturday, January 30th from 8pm at Bermax. To register, call JNF at (204) 947-0207 by Thursday, January 28th. Tickets cost $36 and will be issued by the JNF office. Each ticket can be used to redeem for a glass of Israeli wine and finger foods appetizers on the night of event. JNF will provide an $ 18 full income tax receipt.


Tu Bi’Shevat, which falls on Monday, January 25th, celebrates the new year of the trees.


“Tu Bi’Shevat is a Jewish tradition that celebrates the trees and has a natural synergy with JNF/KKL’s goals and principles of sustainable and environmental work in Israel for the world.” says Executive Director Ariel Karabelnicoff.


Since 1901, JNF has planted over 240 million trees in Israel, which help maintain forest health, combat desertification, protect watersheds, and manage water flow.


The Jewish National Fund of Canada (JNF) is a registered charitable organization established in 1901 with the goal of purchasing land in Israel, and has been the sole agency responsible for the development and infrastructure of land and settlements there. Today, JNF’s work focuses on five areas: water conservation and recycling, forestry, environmental education, community development and environmental research and development.


Follow us on Facebook to find out more.



Cynthia Fidel, Program and Communications Coordinator


[email protected]

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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