Saturday, March 12 & Sunday, March 13, 2016
Asper Jewish Community Campus | 123 Doncaster | Winnipeg | Manitoba | Canada
Limmud, or “learning” in Hebrew, is back in Winnipeg for its 6th year!
We invite you to join us on the Asper Campus for an inspiring weekend of Jewish learning, culture, and community. Participants of all ages and affiliations will be able to choose from 30+ sessions offered by leading local and international Jewish thinkers, artists and educators. Children’s programming will also be offered in the form of Camp Limmud, sessions for kids and PJ Library fun.
“Limmud is an opportunity to expose Jewish topics and presenters, artists and thinkers, in an accessible, fun, exuberant style. I hope everyone will come and have as much trouble choosing which session to attend as I do!” Judi Shuster, Limmud Co-Chair.
The Limmud concept was started in the UK in 1980 and is now a world wide movement intent on engaging communities in Jewish thought and learning. Limmud is an ambitious and passionate organization that has garnered a global reputation for creating dynamic events where Jews of all ages, backgrounds and experiences come together for thought provoking and engaging programs and activities. Events feature all educational styles including lectures, art and cooking workshops, text-study, film, meditation, and discussions.
Full day especially for kids:
Children’s Program: Sunday, March 13 at 9-5pm: Games, Art Projects, Cooking and more!
Tiffany Reider: Israeli Dance for Children
Rady JCC: Purim Family Workshop
Dor Chadash Youth Choir: Purim Puppet Play
PJ Library Family Program: Lego at Limmud - Noah's Ark in Lego
Contact: Florencia Katz, Limmud Coordinator, at [email protected], 204-480-7559
International Presenters:
Barry Bender: Jewish Meditation & Judaism, Science, & the First Seven Days
Since the age of 18, Barry has worked closely with a variety of Jewish organizations and groups to help promote and foster positive Jewish identities among Jewish youth and adults of all backgrounds. He has conducted programs on behalf of Jewish communities in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Canada, and most states in the United States. He has conducted Jewish awareness retreats for Jewish day school and Jewish public school students, of all denominational backgrounds. Over the last 15 years, Barry has focused his energies and talents on the Jewish campus communities throughout North America, personally visiting and conducting Jewish identity programs at over 100 campuses. He studies Jewish and eastern mysticism, practices Tai Chi and Jewish meditation. Barry is also an award winning photographer, and shoots a mean game of pool.
Bryan Borzykowski: Real Talk: How Miscarriages Impact Fathers and Families
Bryan Borzykowski is a former, but still proud, Winnipegger and now Torontonian (don’t hold that against him). He’s an award-winning business journalist and has written for the New York Times, CNBC, BBC, CNNMoney, Globe and Mail, Today’s Parent and Canadian Business, among other publications. He also appears on CTV News every Saturday night.
Gary Kenzer: News of the Day: How Is Israel Portrayed in the Media and Your Response & Does A Picture Paint a Thousand Words???
Gary Kenzer has been the North American Executive Director of Honest since 2006. Prior to that, he was the Executive Director of Magen David Adom USA. Kenzer speaks all over North America in hundreds of venues including Limmud events in Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, Baltimore, Bay Area near San Francisco, Colorado, Arizona and Boston.
Sandra Lilienthal: The Jews of Brazil – From the 1500s to Today & Vashti and Esther and the Powerful Theological Lessons We Learn in the Megillah
Sandra Lilienthal was born and raised in Brazil, where she received her MBA in Marketing and Strategic Planning. After almost 10 years in the business world, Sandra went through a major change in careers, and for over 20 years has been working with Jewish Education in many different capacities: from Religious School teacher and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Tutor, to Director of Education of two synagogues, to Director of Lifelong Learning. She has taught every age from preschool to adults, both in Brazil and in the USA (Waco, TX and South Florida). In the past 9 years, Sandra has focused on teaching adults in South Florida.
Sandra is a 2015 winner of the prestigious Covenant Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. She received her Masters in Jewish Studies and her Doctorate in Jewish Education from Gratz College. She is part of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning faculty, an adjunct professor at Gratz College, and the author (and facilitator) of the Adult Education two-year curriculum currently used by the Broward Central Agency for Jewish Education. Sandra is a member of Gratz College’s Board of Governors and is a frequent speaker at Jewish education conferences, synagogues and other Jewish organizations.
Sandra has great enthusiasm for teaching Judaism as a living religion, and infusing true passion for it among her students.
Andrew Lustig: Jewish Identity Spoken Word Performance
Andrew Lustig is a ‘Jewish Spoken Word Artist’ whose poetry on Jewish and Israeli identity has reached millions, in viral YouTube videos and in live performances. Andrew has delivered Spoken Word keynote addresses for the JFNA, URJ, Hillel, USCJ, UJIA and BBYO. He has opened up for Presidents and Prime Ministers as well as many well-known actors and comedians. A 2013-14 Dorot Fellow in Israel, Andrew is also a Pardes alumnus and a summer artist-in-residence at the Brandeis Collegiate Institute in LA. Andrew spends his year performing and facilitating writing workshops on Jewish and Israeli identity with High School and College student groups and performing at events, fundraisers, and dinners. Limmud Winnipeg will be Andrew’s seventh Limmud!
Ariel Shay: Jewish Sports Figures in Crises
Ariel Shay is from New York City. She has a BSc from Northwestern University and recently received a Masters of Management degree from Queen Mary, University of London. Her postgraduate studies were focused on crisis management strategies for high profile public figures in the sports and journalism industries. Ariel enjoys healthy baking, water sports, and aerial yoga. Ariel was also involved with the Black Jewish Freedom Seder at Northwestern, among her many communal involvements.
Scott Shay: Getting Our Groove Back; How to Energize American Jewry & A Taste of Chai Mitzvah
Scott Shay is actively involved in Jewish formal and informal education. He has served as a board member of the UJA – Jewish Federation of New York, the Partnership for Excellence in Jewish Education, the American Hebrew Academy, Birthright Israel and Ohr Torah Stone He is past chair of the Commission on Jewish Identity and Renewal of UJA-Jewish Federation and the Fund for Jewish Education. He, and his wife Susan, are the founders of the Jewish Youth Connection.
He is the author of “Getting Our Groove Back: How to Energize American Jewry” (Devorah, 2nd Edition 2008). Mr. Shay’s essays on Jewish life have been published in newspapers across the United States, Canada and Britain. Mr. Shay is a founder and Chairman of Signature Bank of New York.
Benjamin Shinewald: From Unity to Diversity: Why Our Community is Fracturing and Why it May Be a Good Thing
Benjamin Shinewald is a long-time community leader. He was CEO of Canadian Jewish Congress, served in the Privy Council Office and now leads the Building Owners & Managers Association of Canada. Benjamin was awarded an Action Canada Fellowship and named “one of Canada’s best and brightest emerging leaders” and a Goldmann Fellowship for being a part of “a new generation of Jewish communal leadership.” He frequently comments in leading newspapers and has been as a panelist on Al Jazeera. Benjamin holds degrees from the University of Manitoba, the London School of Economics and the University of Toronto.
James (Jim) Wilets: Meeting With the PLO in the 1980’s: a Different Time & a Different World & What Next? The Factors Affecting Israeli/Palestinian Peace.
Jim Wilets is a Professor of Law at Nova Southeastern University and is Chair of the Inter-American Center for Human Rights. He received his M.A. in International Relations from Yale University in 1994, his J.D. from Columbia Law School in 1987, and his B.A. from the University of Washington in 1982. He teaches in the areas of International Law, Constitutional Law, Comparative Law, Human Rights, Immigration Law, Gender and the Law, and European Union Law.
While at Yale University, Professor Wilets prepared, at the request of the UN Secretary-General, the first two drafts of a proposal for reforming the human rights functions of the United Nations, which was subsequently incorporated into the U.N.’s Agenda for Peace. He worked as an attorney for the International Human Rights Law Group’s Rule of Law Project in Romania and led a joint mission to Liberia by the National Democratic Institute and the Carter Center. Professor Wilets worked in Paris on some of the first discussions between Israelis and Palestinians on a two-state solution. While at Yale University, Professor Wilets worked with a team of academicians drafting a proposed Basic Law for a future Palestinian state. Professor Wilets writes extensively on constitutional and international law issues.
Local Presenters
? Ruth Ashrafi & Rebecca Sprintz: Jewish Thought on Infertility and Enhancing Fertility with traditional Chinese Medicine
? Danita Dubinsky Aziza: Where is Home?
? Renee Billauer: Honey, I Shrunk the Yids: A Look at Jewish Comics & Humour
? Rena Boroditsky & Ethel Amihude: Knish Cooking Demo & Workshop
? Rena Boroditsky & Saul Henteleff: My Jewish Death - A Documentary Film by Saul Henteleff
? Catherine Chatterley: Antisemitism in 2016
? Shimshon Patrick Elazar: Major Security Threats Facing Israel
? Michael Eskin & Eli Herscovitch: “Love and Smoked Meat” - Jewish Immigrant Story
? Cynthia Fidel: Recovering the Cultural Heritage of IWO (Institute for Jewish Research) in Argentina after the
AMIA Bombing.
? Shayla Fink and Kinzey Posen: Havdalah & Live Music
? Regine Frankel & Rochelle Fink: Stories of Holocaust Survivors
? Gray Academy’s Yiddish Students: Yiddish Schmooze
? Alan Green: Kabbalah on One Foot
? Haskel Greenfield: Recent discoveries in the archaeology of ancient Canaan and Israel: the results from Tel es Safi/Gath, Israel
? Jeremy Hecht: Dream Good, Live Better
? Morris Henoch: Why Continue on March of the Living?
? Steven Hyman: Does G-d Care That I’m Ill? Confronting G-d’s Role in Illness, Death or Recovery
? Tami Jacoby: Terrorism and Democracy
? Larry Lander: Finding a place for God
? Matthew Leibl: Teaching Torah in 2016
? Carolyn Lindner: “Overcoming Adversity" Barriers don't hold me back. One woman's sorry of beating the odds.
? Ian Rabb: Addiction - My Story from Conscious Separation to Conscious Unity
? Karen Soria: Introduction to Jewish Spiritual Direction
? Phil Spevack: 4000 Years of Judaism With Music (and some humour)
? Jackie Swirsky: Gender Creative Children; Beyond the Myths
? Svetlana Tchernov: Yakov Agam Inspired Art Workshop & Shabbat Art Painting a la Martina Shapiro
? Len Udow: T’fillah with a Song
? Ari Weinberg: Drama On Stage: Planning a Season for WJT
? Winnipeg Jewish Theatre: Shiksa
Please visit for full bio’s and session descriptions.
Schedule of Events:
Saturday, March 12
7:30 pm Doors Open
7:45 pm: Opening Sessions
Sunday, March 13
8:00-9:00 am Registration & Breakfast
12:30-1:30 pm Lunch
9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Sessions
Limmud is sponsored by Jewish Federation of Winnipeg, Congregation Etz Chayim, Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Temple Shalom, Adas Yeshurun Herzlia and the Asper Foundation.
Asper Jewish Community Campus
123 Doncaster Street