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Elaine Goldstine, CEO


posted March 14 2016


Dear Community Members,


As we look forward to spring, we welcome back snowbirds, and congratulate those who not only survived, but enjoyed another Winnipeg winter. We have many activities planned for the upcoming weeks and are primed for the hard work ahead.


The Annual Campaign closes March 31 and the next stage in the process is to allocate the dollars raised. During the month of April, our partner agencies will present their requests for funding to the Allocations Committee, chaired by Kovi Smolack. Each agency reports on the state of their organization, their successes and current funding needs. After all presentations have been made, the committee then carefully considers each request, weighing the pros and cons of each case against community needs as a whole. The committee then makes a formal recommendation to the board for approval.


Carol Duboff, Community Planning Chair, has already begun consultations with community members to plan for the short and long term future of the Jewish community. Throughout the next number of months, Carol and her committee will be consulting with different segments of the community. The process will culminate with a day long planning conference. Please contact Faye Rosenberg-Cohen by email or phone (204-477-7422) if you are interested in participating.


We invite you to join us as we recognize some very special community members for their outstanding service at Federation’s Kavod Evening on May 18. Micah Grubert Van Iderstine, a student intern from Gray Academy who has been learning the ins and outs of the Federation, has created a short video to introduce you to the Kavod evening.


We also wish to say Mazel Tov to two of Federation’s past Presidents who have been recognized for their excellence!

·  CPA Manitoba honours Sid Halprin, FCPA, FCA with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

·  University of Manitoba honours Dr. Ted Lyons, OC with the Distinguished Alumni Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Be in the know…



·  Children ages 9-14 who are our “budding philanthropists” not only donate to the annual campaign, but have been giving back in other ways. They recently volunteered at Winnipeg Harvest.



·  48 young adults have registered for the Birthright Trip and there is still time for more people to join.

·  CIJA encourages all of us to take an active role in Canadian democracy. One avenue is to make your Member of Parliament aware of your views on Iran’s continuous threat to Israel by sending them an email.



·  Shimon Koffler Fogel, CIJA CEO has produced an exceptional article about the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the Globe and Mail.

·  Visiting Israel is a memorable, life changing and inspiring experience. This past month Chief Ron Evans of Norway House returned from a mission with a group of future leaders. See photos and read about Israel’s impact on this group.


Did you know?

·  PJ Library is a free gift from Federation to children 6 months - 8 years in our community. Harold Grinspoon Foundation funds a portion and the Federation provides $50 U.S. per subscriber.

·  Why not commemorate a loved one or celebrate an occasion by sending a Tribute Card to help fund:

o    CJA

o    PJ Library

o    P2G

o    March of the Living


Thank you for your ongoing support.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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