Israeli reconnaissance has documented thousands of missiles that have been planted & ready to fire from the cover of schools & medical clinics, strategically planted throughout Southern Lebanon.
If and when Israel fires back at the complement of missiles in Lebanon and there are thousands of casualties, one can expect the ultimate Islamist campaign that will accuse “the Jews” of mass murder of thousands of women and children who have been positioned to take the hit and die.
The imminence of such a threat is real.
MENL, The Middle East Newsline, reports that:
” Israel’s military has bracing for an imminent strike by Islamist militias on Syria’s Golan Heights” and that the Israeli military is now “training for a massive strike by Islamist militias linked to Al Qaida and Islamic State of Iraq and Levant” and that “President Bashar Assad has been quietly cooperating with Islamic State – ISIL- of Iraq and Levant amid the war in Syria“.
IDF intelligence sources quoted by MENL state that “the military scenario of a coordinated attack is … an effort to spark a massive Israeli counter-attack”.
Syrian coordination with Hizbullah missile launchers from South Lebanon can therefore to be expected.
MENL reports that the IDF has identified at least five Islamist militias in Syria’s Quneitra province that controlled most of the Golan Heights since 2013. The most powerful of the militias was identified as the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, linked to ISIL and which controls an area from the Israeli frontier to the southern border with Jordan. Also bordering northern Israel is the by Nusra Front for
the Defense of Levant and the allied Ahrar Al Sham.
Like props prearranged in a middle east universal studios studio, the scenario of a strategic Israeli response to an expected missile barrage from the north can now result in the international radical Islamic community reacting with new ferocity against Jews who live contiguous to where Islamists have gained sudden prowess.
While some vocal Jewish groups who sympathize with the Arab cause may join forces with the chorus of crocodile tears of such an eventuality, the question remains: Are Jews around the world prepared?
Radical Islamic Communities around the world are well aware of this scenario.