Editor's comment: Although there were only a handful of demonstrators protesting against Israel, CBC gave them extensive coverage, which is unfortunate as their numbers really did not warrant it. Their numbers really didn't warrant any coverage at all, and no doubt they'll be back again next year since they got extensive media coverage with very few attendees. In the CBC clip below, one female protester speaks out against Israel's Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014 in its war against Hamas in Gaza. What's unfortunate is that nowhere in the CBC clip is there any reference at all to the fact that Hamas started this war by launching missiles repeatedly into civilian areas in Southern Israel. I was in Israel for most of this 50 day war, and all Israeli cilivians were targetted in missile attacks launched by Hamas, although this crucial context is completely missing from CBC's coverage below. The picture painted is that Israel just forayed into Gaza for no apparent reason and killed Gazan children. Shame on CBC!
Note that in CBC's clip below, the pro-Israel youth filmed is Ethan Pollack, although he gives a name Stephen Glansberg.