What started out as an informal gathering of a small group of family and friends on Rosh Hashanah has evolved into one of the Winnipeg Jewish community's beloved High Holiday services. That service is the Camp Massad annual alternative Rosh Hadhanah service, which annually takes place at the Winnipeg Beach camp site on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. This year marks the 20th anniversary of that service.
The service, which occurs this year on Tuesday, October 4 from 10:30 to 1:00, is an informal, interactive, inspiring, fun and family-friendly service led by Jewish community members and former Massad staff, Leah Braemer, Miriam Baron and Shelley Werner, accompanied by the Camp Massad Alumni Choir. The service incorporates prayer, interpretive readings, reflections, shtick, shofar blowing, songs and Slichot, while emphasizing the key holiday messages of atonement and renewal in a safe and inclusive space.
In commemoration of the event's 20th anniversary, the service this year will feature a new Machzor, or prayer book, and the traditional light kosher lunch, or Kiddush, that follows the service will be generously sponsored by Gunn's Bakery. Everyone is welcomed to attend the service, although advanced registration is required. This registration must be completed online at www.campmassad.ca by September 19. Tickets are $54 for adults and $18 for children 13 and under.
Those registering for the service can also choose to sponsor a new Machzor for $18, and have it inscribed with a personal in memoriam or in honour of message. Prayer book sponsorships will also be available through the Camp Massad online store.