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Dr. Catherine Chatterley


By Dr. Catherine Chatterley, posted October 27, 2016

Reprinted from the Times of Israel (link here)


This past summer, the Canadian Institute for the Study of Antisemitism (CISA) established the first scholarly journal dedicated to the millennial phenomenon of antisemitism.

Antisemitism Studies will be published twice a year (in April and October) by Indiana University Press.

Its international, multi-disciplinary editorial board is impressive as it consists of the leading scholars of antisemitism worldwide.

Yehuda Bauer, who joined the editorial board in the summer, supports its focus, "As far as I know, there is no academic journal specifically devoted to studies on the subject of antisemitism, and it is therefore a very positive thing to have a journal published by such an important academic institution as Indiana University. With the increasing spread of this pathology in our world, Antisemitism Studies will no doubt fulfill a very important role in studying the subject.”

The current Chief Historian of Yad Vashem, Dina Porat, also joined the board of this "timely" publication, believing "the need for such a journal has been sorely felt: A solid, balanced and peer reviewed publication, written by the best minds in the field, is a must in order to try and understand the multifaceted threatening reality of antisemitism, and to offer a basis for the struggle against it."

Several issues are currently in development. The first issue will be published in April 2017 and will feature new research by Jeffrey Herf, Norman Goda, Alvin Rosenfeld, Richard Wolin, Dina Porat, and Esther Webman.

In 2018, Antisemitism Studies will publish a Special Issue on Contemporary Antisemitism in East Central Europe, with current  research by leading scholars of Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, and Ukraine, co-edited by Catherine Chatterley and Joanna B. Michlic.

Thrown around like a political football, antisemitism is a serious and persistent problem in many societies and it requires the focused attention of scholars trained to examine social, cultural, religious, and economic phenomena subject to professional rules of evidence, accuracy, and clarity.

Peer review is not well understood outside academe, but it is very important because unlike journalism, blogging, and general political punditry, peer reviewed publications subject new writing and analysis to rigorous examination by experts on the minute details of the subject matter. This new journal employs a double-blind peer review process where authors and expert reviewers remain completely anonymous. This allows Antisemitism Studies to produce and disseminate objective research with a high standard of accuracy and clarity based upon solid evidence.

High quality scholarship provides the foundation for education, training, community relations work, government planning and policy, on any number of subjects, including antisemitism. We hope that Antisemitism Studies makes a significant contribution to our general understanding of the phenomenon and how it continues to evolve. 

For information on the journal, author guidelines, future subscriptions, and to sign up to an email list, please visit: 



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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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