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Elaine Goldstine, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg

Elaine Goldstine: Message from our CEO

May 1, 2017


Dear Community Members,

I hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Passover. We ended the month of April with Shoah Week, a week of programs and events commemorating the Holocaust. We must never forget those who perished during this horrific time.

We are extremely fortunate to have so many newcomers who have chosen Winnipeg as their home. Every year approximately 300-350 people move to Winnipeg from all over the world. It is also fabulous to see so many original Winnipeggers moving back home!

I am very privileged to meet so many newcomers; it always gives me such gratification to see how much they love Winnipeg and how thankful they are to be part of our community. They are bright, caring and talented individuals who truly make a difference by getting involved in our community. If there are any physicians or dentists who are willing to accept our newcomer families as patients, please contact Iael Besendorf at Jewish Child and Family Service or call 204.480.7553.

The Allocations Committee of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg just completed the very difficult task of allocating funds to our 12 local partner agencies. This process ensures that agencies receiving funding have sound financial footing. Stay tuned for more details coming in June.

The month of May is an extremely busy time full of events. Federation will be hosting two important sessions during the first week of May. On Wednesday, May 3, Matt Godwin of CIJA will be conducting an information evening to discuss the role of CIJA in local and national advocacy. For more information contact Rhonda. On Sunday, May 7, we are completing our community planning process as we share the results of our Community Conversations and discuss action planning priorities. Register online now. We hope to see you at both events.

Every year, the Federation hosts Kavod Evening, a community-wide event honouring volunteers and leaders in our community. Please join us on Wednesday, May 17, 7:30 pm at Congregation Etz Chayim as we celebrate our award recipients. 

Finally, we are in the process of planning a Multifaith Mission to Israel in the fall. Please join Laurel Malkin, Federation’s Vice President, along with her husband David Folk, for a trip of a lifetime. More information available here

We hope to see you at these upcoming Federation events:












Dear Community Members,

It is with great joy that I begin this message with, “thank you.” Thank you to everyone who came together over this past year in support of the Combined Jewish Appeal. This year’s campaign closed on March 31 over $5.792 million, which will support our partner agencies and programs on a local, national, and international level. With the incredible efforts of our volunteer leadership, this campaign has been a great success. Thank you to Bryan Klein (Campaign Chair), Elana Schultz (Women’s Philanthropy Chair), Lindsey Leipsic and Jason Gisser (Young Adult Division Co-Chairs), Peter Leipsic (Top Donor Chair), Daniela Jacobsohn (Lion of Judah Chair), and Michael and Erin Weinstein and Jon and Courtney Feldman (Ben-Gurion Society Co-Chairs) for your dedication.


As we approach the time for allocating funds, I am reminded of the continuing, often growing, needs of our community. The allocation period is a crucial time for the Federation as it is when we get a chance to gain a greater understanding not only of the needs of the community, but what can be done to meet them in a sustainable, forward-looking manner. If you would like to learn more about our allocations process, I would be happy to discuss with you. I would also like to take the opportunity to thank the organizations in our community that work tirelessly to provide those vital services year after year. For more information on allocations and other financial highlights, read our most recent Annual Report.


Wishing you and your loved ones a restful and happy Passover! Please note our offices will be closed April 11, 12, 14, 17, and 18 for the holidays.


We hope to see you at the following upcoming Federation events:

Check out these photos from recent Federation events:


Chag Sameach,


Elaine Goldstine
Chief Executive Officer


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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