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Sari and Zev Ripstien

Waterslide on Family Fun Day
Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Star of David raised garden
Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Remodeled washrooms
Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Pinat Shira
Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Ian Brodges next to the candelabra
Photo by Bonnie Holmes

Josh Winestock receiving his award

As Camp Massad's 65th Anniversary Approaches: Waterslides, The Wedding of Sari Waldman to Zev Ripstein and more

by Rhonda J. Prepes, July 11, 2017

This year Camp Massad approaches its 65th Anniversary (Official Senior Citizen status). Here's a few updates on what's been happening at the Camp.

To begin with for the first time in its history Camp Massad is at maximum capacity in its first session with 120 campers and 50 staff people (170 people in the dining hall is maximum capacity). The camp will have 85 campers in second session. 


Second Generation Camp Massad Director Marries at Beloved Camp

Current Camp Massad Summer Director Sari Waldman wed long time boyfriend Zev Ripstein on site on Sunday, June 18th, 2017. Sari follows in her mother Carol Leszcz’s  z”l footsteps by being Director this year and last year. Carol was Director from 1982 to 1986.

Sari and Zev stood under a chuppah” (canopy) made from birch trees from the camp’s forrested property, dinner was catered in a big white tent, and family and friends partied and danced until the last song of the evening played - “Hey Jude”.

Waldman met Ripstein at Camp just as her mother met her father Robbie Waldman at Camp over 30 years ago. Sari is a teacher at Heschel School in Toronto and Zev is working on his PhD in Bio-Chem. Camp Massad isn’t just for making friends, it’s for making “shidduchs” (Jewish matches) as well. 


Slipping and Sliding

Have you seen the waterslide at Camp?

The bright blue nylon inflatable slide offers two chutes over 10 m long, a spray tunnel and a wading pool to land in. The slide débuted on Family Fun day and was a huge crowd pleaser. The water slide was donated by an anonymous and generous donor hoping to encourage other young families to make donations of their own.


Family Fun Day Sunday, July 2, 2017

About 150 people came for the hotdogs, cake and freezies and stayed for the swimming, waterslide, and activities. Even the weather cooperated.


New on the Camp Site

You will notice a brand-new building when you first enter the site. The new “refet” barn will house supplies and be used as a reception centre.

Also near the entrance there is a beautiful metal “menorah” (candelabra) adorned with a Star of David. It is a striking centrepiece that will attract a lot of attention from people entering the site and it will be lit on Shabbat.

The site now has a raised wooden vegetable garden in the shape of the Star of David. Fine craftsmanship.

They have put fixed benches throughout the camp site stationary.

Some cabins now have handsome hand-made bunk beds… practically doubling the camp’s capacity.

The main washroom has been completely remodeled and upgraded.

There are two relatively new gender-free washrooms on the site. Camp Massad continues to be a place that is open to all communities where no one is discriminated by race, religion, disability or gender.

“Pinat Shira” (Shira Waldman’s corner) has been completely renewed. It is now a larger area with wooden walls and benches open to the air. It offers a little shade and privacy for relaxation or reflection.



Ian Brodges has been hired for the new position of Judaic Program Director. The former Hillel Director with the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg is tasked with adding more Jewish content into Massad programming. “We are upping the anti,” Brodges said. “Whatever we do, we are going to do even better.”

“For instance, this Shabbat some campers baked challah, we have introduced a new program about Jewish heroes, and we are revising the prayers in “tefillah”.”


Kol Hakavod

Josh Winestock won this year’s Shem Tov Award for Camp Massad at the Kavod Evening on May 17th, 2017. He was a camper, counselor, “Hanhallah” (Administration) member, volunteer, and currently a hard-working dedicated board member. He was recognized for his dedication to helping ensure that the Magic of Massad continues.

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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