Israel’s ambassador to Canada, Nimrod Barkan, told a gathering of politicians , and professional and lay leadership of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg at a breakfast meeting that there is a "tacit strategic alliance" between Israel. Saudia Arabia, the Gulf States and Egypt, whose common threat is Iran and also terrorism. "The relationship between Turkey and Israel has been mended," he noted, albeit they are not the best of friends.
The politicians present were all five Manitoba Conservative MP's, a generous handful of Conservative MLA's including Ministers Ron Schuler and Scott Fielding , one independent (MLA Steven Fletcher) and Liberal MLA John Gerrard. Murray Palay, CFHU National president and Lori Binder, CEO and head of School for Gray academy were also present.
"The development of gas rings [in the Meditteranean] has led to [Israeli] cooperation with Greece and Turkey," and Israel is building relations with India, China and Japan and is improving relations with Vietnam, " Barkan noted. He added that Israeli high tech is the reason these countries are interested in Israel.
Barkan also explained that Russia's Putin has good relations with the Jewish community and that it is important for Israel to be on good terms with Putin if possible. "Russia has been less problematic with the sanctions agreement against Iran than Turkey," he noted. Since the United States has "withdrawn from Syria " (aside from the fight against ISIS) "we need to take to someone."
Barkan explained "We intercepted equipment from Iran to Hezbollah. The Russians made this possible."
Barkan, whose mother’s entire family was exterminated in Lithuania, was asked about Canada's relations with Iran, by Conservative MP Candace Bergman. Barkan answered that Israel has outlined to its Canadian colleagues that Iran has attempted to destabilize Saudia Arabia and that Canada understands this. Although Prime Minister Trudeau campaigned on a platform of re-opening Canada's Embassy in Iran and resuming trade with Iran, ( which was closed off under the former Harper government), Barkan made it clear that "no decision has been made by Canada yet" regarding re-opening the embassy or resumption of trade.
Barkan, whose over forty year distinguished career has included diplomatic postings in Egypt, the United States and France, as well as high level positions in Israel with the Foreign Ministry, also spoke about Canada's positoning vis a vis Israel and the the United Nations. He noted that former Prime Minister Harper "changed the Canadian voting pattern at UN agencies " but "this change has been perpetuated by the Liberal government"
Minister Ron Schuler spoke at the meeting indicating that the Pallister government are strong supporters of Israel and that Pallister "is a student of Stephen Harper" in expressing unwavering support of Israel, and her people's right to defend themselves.
In answer to a question from MLA Jon Gerrard, Barkan also spoke about water issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He sai