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by Ava Block Super, December 20, 2010

On November 27th, Shalom Residences Inc. held their 3rd annual “Cabaret Night” at the Shaarey Zedek” synagogue. The food was excellent, the prizes were plentiful, the band was entertaining and the audience was enthusiastic.

In general, disability of any sort doesn’t garner the attention it deserves because it reminds us of the fragility of the human condition-that no one is immune. Some things cannot be “fixed” or cured. Disability, whether physical or intellectual, will always be among us, despite medical science’s more valiant attempts to eradicate it. The best we can possibly do is to improve conditions for the most vulnerable in our community, in the most compassionate and dignified sense, all the while doing our utmost to empower them and providing the opportunity to residents of Shalom to increase their visibility and find their own voice; providing venues where their participation is welcome. That is Shalom’s primary function, and we certainly achieved our raison d’etre through Cabaret Night.

Judging by the resident’s participation, by all accounts, it was a resounding success. If not for our generous sponsors, the evening may not have been the success that it was. The organizers and staff would sincerely like to thank the following sponsors for their generous donations: Earl & Cheryl Barish, Dwaine King, Lawton Partners Financial, Mel Fages, Gunn’s Bakery, Hart Kaplan, Party Stuff/U-Rent-It, Reider Insurance, Dr. Raya Shenkarow, Kay Four Properties Inc., Mel & Karyn Lazareck, Marty & Lisa Morantz, Gail Asper & Michael Paterson, Quadrant Asset Management, Mr. & Mrs. M. Blankstein, Kaplan Research Associates Inc., Richlu Sportswear Ltd,, Shindico Realty Inc., Steinbach Credit Union, Stephen N. Rosenfield C.G.A.Professional Corp., TD Waterhouse, Private Investment Counsel.

The grand prize was a round trip for 2, provided by VIA Rail to Jasper, Alberta and 2 sets of Bugatti Luggage, and was won by Carol Hussa Harvey and Mahlon Harvey. (see photo please) We had many donations to the silent auction, too numerous to mention. Suffice it to say, we just send our heartfelt gratitude to those who donated goods and services to make our Silent Auction as appealing as it was. To our volunteers and staff, who put in many hours of hard work so our evening could go off without a hitch, thank you very much.

Should anyone wish to donate to Shalom Residences, it is still possible to do so and receive a 2010 income tax receipt.


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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