Dear Community Members,
I would like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for your generosity to the Federation’s Combined Jewish Appeal. As of today, we have reached $2.26 million. This represents 38.8% of our 2017 CJA Campaign goal of $5.85 Million. As you know, these funds are used to provide many services within our wonderful community. They also go towards our national operations via CIJA and various projects and programs in Israel.
As many of you know, it has been an eventful month in the realm of advocacy across Canada. With that in mind, this month, I would like to highlight our Federation’s work in Advocacy and Education.
Hillel plays a vital role on university campuses as a place of support and community for Jewish students whether they are coming to explore their Jewish identity, meet other Jewish students share their culture with friends or looking for a safe place.
The need and value of this safe place became apparent this past month as we saw unsettling events on our local campuses and across the country.
On October 25th, through the combined efforts of Hillel, CIJA (The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs), and Stand With Us Canada, a motion in favour of Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) against Israel was voted down at the University of Winnipeg’s Student Association’s (UWSA) Special general meeting. Jewish students rallied their peers together against this divisive motion. Due to their dedication, 70 students made their voices heard and said “No” to BDS on their campus. You can read more about the motion and the effort to defeat it here.
Just this past week, a University of Manitoba student reported multiple encounters with antisemitism since the start of the school year. Hillel responded immediately, as a support and advocate, to help the student navigate the various systems in place to address these issues. The university is investigating these incidents, and has assured us that they will take action. Hillel is pleased to be working in partnership with the university to create opportunities for campus-wide education with the aim of increasing awareness on topics of diversity. It is our aim to ensure that all students in post-secondary institutions feel safe and are aware of the supports available to them through Hillel. Please contact Arielle with any questions about Hillel.
Community Relations
On October 26th, the “Canadian Jewish Experience – a Tribute to Canada 150” exhibit honouring the contributions of Jewish Canadians to Canada over the last 150 years was inaugurated by the Mayor of Winnipeg at City Hall. The exhibit inauguration, sponsored in large part by the Asper Foundation, welcomed various dignitaries and members of the leadership of the Jewish community. Later this month, the display panels will travel to the Manitoba Legislature. A panel describing the Winnipeg Jewish community’s contributions will be on display at the Federation offices. Click here for a preview.
Israel and Jewish Advocacy
On Saturday, October 28th, John Longhurst wrote lengthy editorial about Israel and the Palestinians in the Winnipeg Free Press. Federation President Adam Levene submitted a response that has yet to be published in the Letters to the Editor section.
On November 2nd, Israel commemorated 100 years since the Balfour Declaration. Keren Hayesod's Marketing & Communications Department produced a film to mark this day. Click here to view film. Keren Hayesod - UIA, in partnership with the global Jewish community, works to further the national priorities of the State of Israel and Israeli society, with special emphasis on advancing weaker communities; nurturing disadvantaged and marginalized youth; encouraging aliyah; implementing rescue operations; and connecting young Diaspora Jews to Israel and Jewish life.
OCTOBER Event Highlights
October 9: The P2G Committee welcomed 2 teachers from Ramat Korazim, 10 students from Danciger High School along with their teachers, a principal from Nachshonei Hachula, and their hosts at a reception at Desserts Plus. The delegations from Israel, who were visiting for a week, had a meaningful experience in Winnipeg – exploring our city and building connections to last a life time.
October 19: “An Evening with Noam Gershony”. Noam Gershony was severely injured in a helicopter accident while serving in the IDF during the Second Lebanon War. He has since become a paralympic wheelchair tennis gold medalist. He inspired us with the story of overcoming physical and mental obstacles, and how the power of sport can change one's life.
Please join us for these special UPCOMING events and programs:
· Joe's Violin - Community-Wide Kristallnacht Program | Thursday, November 9
· Global Day of Jewish Learning | Sunday, November 12
· The Beauty in Being Me - as part of Global Day of Jewish Learning | Sunday, November 12
· Women’s Philanthropy Telethon | Tuesday, November 14
· Family Event with PJ Library author Laura Gehl | Sunday, November 19
· The Role of the Judiciary in a Democracy | Thursday, November 23