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Editor's Report: The Wedding - A Slice of Life in Israel

by Rhonda Spivak, April 10, 2018

I was  invited to a wedding in Israel when my children were younger and my husband was not able to attend with us. Because the wedding was in a remote location near kibbutz Beit Guvrin the wedding's host suggested we come by taxi and he would invite our taxi driver to the wedding so that he would be on hand to take us home. Otherwise late at night it would be virtually impossible to catch a cab and bus service would not be available.
Our driver agreed to come to the wedding and my kids laughed throughout the night as they were asked repeatedly if our driver was their father and my husband. "No, he's just our taxi driver,!"they answered repeatedly.
Our driver wore jeans and a white shirt and indicated he would have dressed up more had he realized it would have been such a fancy wedding. When we arrived he sampled all of the appetizers and sat at our table briefly but disappeared. My children asked me what happened to him. He returned to tell us that he was upset that there were no good looking single women at our table , and that all the women were older Ashkenasi English speaking women, and he was Sephardi, and didn't speak English. He wished he could have been at a different table!
When the first course was served our driver returned to the table to wolf it down and then abruptly left. This continued until the main course of steak. My driver returned to east the main course and piled so much on his plate that my son got worried there would not be enough left for the other guests.  "Mommy you have to tell him to stop eating so much! my son said. After he'd finished his steak, my driver left, and my children ran around trying to find him, to no avail. We next saw our driver at the dessert table whee he told me "Let's go." He had been the first to arrive at the dessert table had eaten his dessert and was ready to split. We, on the other hand had not had our dessert and I also wanted to thank our hosts before we left. Our driver pouted as I told him we weren't ready to leave yet.  He went back to the taxi and watched a movie. 
On the way home, he said, "It was a very nice wedding after all" and began to estimate what it had cost our hosts to put it on.
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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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