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Paper Artwork by Millie Flaig Hooper

Gayle Halliwell in her studio

Joanne Gullachsen

Glenda Knoll (Whimsical Windows) in her studio

Rosemary Miguez at her studio

Read about These Artists in the Interlake Wave Studio Artists' Tour Aug 31-Sept 1: Milli Flaig Hooper, Joanne Gullachsen, Gayle Halliwell, Glenda Knoll and Rosemary Miguez

Aug 15, 2019

Read about these atists who are praticipating in the Interlake Wave Artists' Tour which runs June 9 and 10, 2019 and again Septemebr 1 and 3, 2019. You can see them in their unique spaces, up close and personal.


Milli Flaig Hooper


Happiness is making paper!  At least that is Milli’s bliss zone and it shows in her unique creations using only recycled paper.  Softly represented with pastels or boldly with bright primary colours, each sheet provides the backdrop for the end result – art, cards, magnets, earrings, pins or ornaments! All of it produced with paper and water only. Visit The Paper Fifrildi studio (#19) to learn about slurry, and how colour and texture merge into something irresistibly beautiful. 

Studio #19

[email protected]


Joanne Gullachsen

JoAnne was born and raised near the town of Gimli. Although she lived for a period of time in British Columbia, she has felt most at home in Gimli. Her memories of her childhood are strong and she has created many paintings which tell of these fond memories.


Art and the creation of art has always been JoAnne's prime interest and at present time she is working with oils. This medium gives her free rein with the expression of emotions which she cannot get from other mediums. Nonetheless she enjoys working with all mediums and has worked with papier mache, plaster of paris , clay , water colour and acrylic.


In 1986, Joanne's work was chosen from the Interlake Juried Art Show to represent the Interlake at the Ottawa National Gallery.  JoAnne has also been awarded at the Manitoba Society of Artists' show.

Studio #22



Gayle Halliwell   Studio 410

Gayle has lake water in her veins, and it flows out from her brush onto canvas and paper at Studio 410, her creative space in a local beach community.


Award-winning lake, sky, and landscapes attest to Gayle’s love affair with Lake Winnipeg. She draws on decades as a summertime live-a-board boater and a lifetime of playing on shore to create works that give voice to Manitoba’s prairie ocean. Her works are energetic, confident and take a straightforward approach. Acrylic, watercolour, and clay vie for Gayle’s attention as she splashes and squishes her way through the day.


Gayle is an active member of The WAVE Artists’ Studio Tour, cre8ery gallery, the Gimli Art Club, Creative Manitoba, Uniquely Manitoba, and The Gwen Fox Gallery. Her studio is open year-round for First Friday events, and by appointment, see

Studio #44



Glenda Knoll      Whimsical Windows and Words

Born to wonder, Glenda Knoll walks a whimsical path that takes on a playful story in her paintings on glass. 

An insatiable thirst for the truth leads her to struggle with which side of the window to paint: looking inward challenges her view on her own truth looking outward challenges her to search for external truth. 

When she paints both sides it bridges the two and opens her passionate voice for spirituality and social justice.

Studio #28

Please be sure to visit my website at:

or contact me:  [email protected]


Rosemary Miguez

My attraction to sand begins with rock which when crushed becomes sand. Every grain of sand is a testimony to an ancient world. I feel the ancient world unfolds on my canvas and through the sand & gesso a new history is created. Harnessing the light through the relief of paintings reveals shapes and shadows of both the new and ancient worlds.


Sculpting the sand & gesso onto glass & mirror and adding forest fragments has opened up a new world with its own stories to tell. Some of my current work is informed by the state of the forest offering an opportunity to contemplate the past and the future.

Studio #8

upstairs studio


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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