Dear Community Members,
I hope you are having a good summer. As we approach the year 5779, I would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy new year.
120 DAYS OF IMPACT – 2018 CJA Campaign
We are gearing up once again for the Annual Combined Jewish Appeal Campaign. Please support our 120 Days of Impact as we have shortened the time period for the campaign to 120 days, thus striving to close the campaign by December 31. Answer the call, take a meeting, and say YES to your canvasser. We have amazing, generous donors and we appreciate all that you do. You are making a difference in your community. Thank you!! Watch for material in the mail or by email in the next few weeks.
We are pleased to bring you an update on the first goals and committees working on action plans this fall. Read all about the Community Forward Priorities for Action. To get involved in action planning sub-committees, visit our Community Planning page or email Faye.
Continue the Community Conversations! Answer the challenge question “What does it mean to you to belong to the community?”
Read up on the Allocations process and how the proceeds from the 2017 CJA Campaign have been distributed to our partner agencies.
Jewish Federation of Winnipeg Board nominations open on September 1. For more information or to nominat