StandWithUs Canada strongly condemns the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) for endorsing the discriminatory Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.
Nov 20, 2018
Once again, the CFS has abandoned their stated purpose – "to represent the collective voice of Canadian students and work at the federal level for high quality, accessible post-secondary education". Singling out lsrael and Jewish students who support its existence is distinctly antisemitic and anti-peace.
. The goal of BDS is to dehumanize, isolate, and ultimately eliminate Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. The position of the CFS is not only discriminatory and beyond their purview, it is clearly in opposition to the policy of all university administrations across Canada, who have uniformly denounced BDS. Significantly, Canada’s Parliament passed a motion formally condemning the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel in 2016.
We note that a growing number of Canadian universities have cut ties with the CFS, partly due to the corruption outlined in this articleby our former Campus Coordinator, Zina Rakhamilova.
Our students on Canadian campuses deserve to be represented by an organization that prioritizes their academic interests, instead of inciting hatred, division, and conflict. We look forward to working with our Emerson Fellows to bring this message to campuses across the country.
Frankie Aviv, Ryerson University, Toronto
Evie Bernstein, University of Toronto
Laurent Cohen, Concordia University, Montreal
Shaked Karabelnicoff, Carleton University, Ottawa
Evan Sankar, University of Western Ontario, London
Igal Gorbut, University of Guelph
Petula Fernandes, University of Ottawa
Amit Scheer, University of Ottawa
Shlomo-Eli Schweitzer, McMaster University, Hamilton
Darius Hunter, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
Justin Tobin, Memorial University, Newfoundland
Tal Katz, University of Victoria, British Columbia
Adam Dobrer, UBC (University of British Columbia), Vancouver