On December 6, 2018 the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg held its Annual General Meeting as part of its 80th year. The Federation presented its audited financial statements, appointed its auditors for next year, and provided the community with a hard copy of its annual report. To review the annual report click here: https://indd.adobe.com/view/bc919559-f89c-41f6-99d5-fe4d56b45106
At the meeting Laurel Malkin provided a review of the year’s activities. The Federation highlighted the 20th anniversary of the Provincial Nominee Program and GrowWinnipeg. To that end Dafne Orbach made a presention about her experience as a newcomer and committed and highly involved community member, who arrived in Canada as a direct result of the GrowWinnipeg and Provincial Nominee Program.
Elaine Goldstine , CEO of the Federation shared with all present Federation’s 2019 goals. Since the meeting took place during Chanukah, it was begun by lighting the Menorah.
Laurel Malkin presented Elaine Goldstine with a special thank you on behalf of the Board and staff of the Federation in recognition of her 25 years of dedicated service.
At the meeting the, the 2018 Board and staff members were thanked and outgoing board members were given a certificate of appreciation (present to receive was Israel Ludwig, absent were Anna Shusterman, Alejandra Mozes).
Guests were able to view a power point of images and documents as well as a display of same in honour of the Jewish Federation of Winnipeg's 80th anniversary.
New and returning Board members were welcomed. The 2019 Board is listed below:
Josh Blatt, Allocations Chair
Eduardo Borovich
Baillie Chisick
Jessica Cogan, Israel and Overseas Chair
Sherry Lercher Davis, Jewish Child and Family Service's Representative
Laura Diamond
Carol Duboff, Community Planning Chair
Miral Gabor
Jason Gisser, Next Generation Initiatives Chair
Debbie Hoffman, Rady JCC Representative
Daniela Jacobsohn
Laurelle Harris, Public Affairs and Advocacy Co-Chair
Ellen Kroft, Women's Philanthropy Co-Chair
Steve Kroft, CJA/Financial Development Chair
Joel Lazer, Vice President
Lindsey Leipsic, Young Adult Division Chair
Adam Levene, Immediate Past President
Laurel Malkin, President
Abby Morris, Honourary Counsellor
Dafne Orbach
Paula Parks, Women's Philanthropy Co-Chair
Stephen Rosenfield
Elana Schultz, Education & Engagement Chair
Carrier Shenkarow
Sean Shore, Winnipeg Board of Jewish Education Representative
Candice Tenenbein, Public Affairs and Advocacy Co-Chair
Eric Winograd, Jewish Foundation of Manitoba Representative
Gustavo Zentner, Finance Chair/Treasurer
Elaine Goldstine will give a report about the meeting in her CEO message in January 2019.