Dear Community Members,
I would like to extend a Happy Chanukah to you and your families as we celebrate the faith, strength, and perseverance of the Jewish people.
Chanukah comes at a perfect time for us to reflect upon the year, and I am reminded of all the ways our community gives back, creating a constant cycle of renewal. I am profoundly grateful to our Winnipeg Jewish community for doing its part to make the lives of others in our community better.
Yesterday, we attended a dedication and lighting of the menorah at the 17 Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Base. Although it was a cold day, our hearts were warmed by the light of the menorah and sentiments expressed by the men and women of 17 Wing as we ushered in the fifth night of Chanukah together. CTV News was on hand and did a story which can be viewed here.
Last night was the Federation’s Annual General Meeting, and I am pleased to announce we are on strong financial footing. Watch for key excerpts from Laurel Malkin, our board President, and my report in the next President/CEO Message to be sent in the first week of January 2019.
120 Days of IMPACT – 2018 CJA Campaign
Today is Day 98 of our 120 days of IMPACT and thanks to the generosity of our donors we have received $5.12 million to date – help us maintain our momentum by donating now! In order for you to receive a tax receipt for 2018, your donation must be received on or before December 31. Thank you for your support of the CJA campaign.
Winnipeg Jewish Community Blood Drive
Together, we can make a difference. Along with our partner agencies, we are hosting a Jewish community blood drive with Canadian Blood Services during December. Last year, our community made such an impact with its time and generosity that Winnipeg was one of the few main collection sites in the country to meet their collection targets during the holiday season. Please click here to see available dates and times.
Accessibility, Customer Service, and the Jewish Community
The Inclusion Sub-committee of Community Planning held a session onNovember 26. More than 80 Jewish community staff and volunteers attended an orientation on the topics of Accessibility for Manitobans Customer Service standards and Jewish values on inclusion. If you missed it, the material presented is online here under the button on Accessibility, or contact Faye Rosenberg-Cohen for more information.
Youth Think Tank