The Jewish Foundation of Manitoba has indicated that it will be allocating a total of $600,000 in emergency funding to local Jewish organizations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first $200,000 was distributed to 28 Manitoba based Jewish organizations. The next totalling $210,500 has now been distributed to local Jewish organizations, such that over $400,000 out of the $600,000 has been allocated. The following are the 11 organizations that applied and were approved for relief grants totalling $210,500 under phase 2 of the Foundation’s emergency funding: B’nai Brith Jewish Community Camp, Camp Massad, Congregation Etz Chayim, Gray Academy of Jewish Education, Winnipeg Jewish Theatre, Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre, Rady Jewish Community Centre, Chai Folk Arts Council, Temple Shalom, Saul & Claribel Simkin Centre, Chabad-Lubavitch of Winnipeg.