Construction is well underway on the new facility!
Since 1930, our community non - profit Chevra Kadisha has been caring for members of the Jewish community in a house at 1023 Main St. Our staff and volunteers provide Shmira (accompanying or sitting with the deceased) and Tahara ( washing, blessing, purification, dressing the deceased) according to ancient Jewish rituals.
In order to better serve the community in a modern and safe new facility CSE embarked on a fundraising campaign in May 2019. Our last campaign, which took place in the early 1940’s, resulted in the opening of the Chapel in November 1947.
To date, more than 700 individuals and families have donated to the campaign, bringing us within reach of the $3.18 Million goal.
While there have been a few unexpected bumps in construction, we are confident that we will complete the project on time and will be back in our space in Spring 2021.
CSE operates as an independent entity, with a volunteer Board of directors representing all local synagogues and the community at large.
Please join us as we invest in our community’s future. Be in touch today to make a gift or pledge as we continue to build on our tradition of lovingkindness.