We Are Standing With Israel
Bridges for Peace represents thousands of Christians, in Canada and nine other nations, who are standing with Israel, praying for Israel and advocating for Israel. We are also standing with the Jewish people worldwide who are enduring an avalanche of hatred, triggered by a twisted narrative concerning the conflict with Hamas.
In Israel, our volunteers and staff are sharing in the danger as they continue to operate our many programs of practical aid to the people of Israel. These programs include:
· Crisis Assistance Program – bomb shelters for schools and communities, ambulances and medi-cycles for the Maagen David Adom, and emergency help for a variety of crisis situations
· Victims of Terror Fund – cheer baskets and visits to the wounded in hospitals and to the bereaved sitting shiva – meeting special needs, such as wheelchairs, food vouchers and financial assistance for medical bills for those in long-term rehabilitation
· Food Projects – we continue to distribute nine tons of food every week, to 22,000 needy Israelis, through family adoption programs, adopt a town, feed a child and also supplying 55 other organizations who care for the poor in Israel o For more information go to www.bridgesforpeace.com