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Dina Raiman


by Rhonda Spivak, May 18, 2022

Dina Raihman an Israeli Canadian teacher is well known in the Jewish community for running the Integral School, a popular after school program. As she points out her after school program, which she began eight years ago has grown continuously such that it now has 255 students, both in person and online, "over 80% of which are Jewish."
Raihman, whose background is in math, physics and astronomy is now beginning her next venture. She is  opening up a new private day school, the Integral Academy, a "full time private elementary school for k-grade 8 " which will be a very "unique" school. "The school will have the same subjects as all public schools, but our classes are going to be advanced classes in all subjects. The main focus of the school will be mathematics and sciences, and we will have no connection to any religion," she explains.
Additionally, Raihman notes that "all children in Integral Academy from grades k-4 are going to get a Japanese mental math program using a special tool called an abacus. This program gives  a child the opportunity to develop the 2nd hemisphere of their brain, which will make it easier for children to learn in all subject matters."
In terms of languages, Integral Academy will be offering French courses like in other schools, but  "We are also planning to teach kids a second foreign language. A child will be able to choose whether they want to learn Hebrew, Russian, Ukrainian, Chinese or Spanish."
Integral Academy will be under the supervision of the Ministry of Education.
Raihman, who has been a teacher for 36 years, has taught math and physics and calculus and pre-calculus, and is certified to teach  children from kindergarten to grade 12. She was born in Georgia, which was part of the former Soviet Union. In 1990 she immigrated to Israel where she  taught for 17 years before immigrating to Canada. From 2002-2014 she worked as a substitute teacher in five school divisions before deciding that her skill set was best suited to  opening up her  Integral School, an after school program. As its website indicates,  Integral  school's after school program is dedicated to teaching Math, Physics, Chemistry, Logic, languages and much more to students in grades Kindergarten through Grade 12 at an advanced level. It is also designed to provide extra support to those students who are in need for additional assistance and tutoring in these subjects. Raihman notes that there are a lot of children of  Russian Israeli immigrants as well as Jewish children of native Winnipeggers who attend her after school program.
The new Integral Academy private day school which is set to open this coming September will be located on Dakota Street in St. Vital and registration is now open. "We already have 35 children registered "Raihman says, adding that she is looking to have a minimum of 50 children at Integral Academy, but can take up to 100 children at the Dakota location. She also notes that Integral Academy has before and after school daycare.
Regarding, refugee children from the Ukraine, Integral School, the after school program is opening three classes for refugee children form the Ukraine, who can attend for free, and the after school program will be opening more classes for  these refugee children in the future. Raihman asked the Winnipeg Jewish Review to note that  she is looking for private sponsors who will enable Ukrainian refugee children to go to Integral Academy  free of charge, and she is looking for sponsors for Integral Academy in general. If she is not able to find such sponsors then her plan is to charge Ukrainian refugee children 50% of the regular school tuition.

Anyone wishing to contact Raihman about Integral Academy can call her at  204 230 9519,  or email her at [email protected]
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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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