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Harriet Berkal: Is Johnny Depp today’s Samson of biblical times?

by Harriett Berkal, June 6,2022



Do we fully understand the power that some women have, using their sexuality to seduce their way into the lives of vulnerable and robust men for their own advantage?


We always assume that males are the typical perpetrators of abuse against women. The #MeToo movement shed a light on the exploitation of power and influence over women in return for forced sexual favours. Sexual harassment has been around since time began.


Wasn’t it Eve who encouraged Adam in the Garden to share in the forbidden fruit? He succumbed. He knew it was wrong, yet he partook.


Fast track to Samson and Delilah where she was sent on a mission to find the source of his strength. He liked the Philistine temptress. It didn’t take much for her to cut off his hair and subsequently hand him over to the enemy. He trusted her. Perhaps he was in love with her in order to confide and disclose his secret.  She in turn, betrayed him seemingly without remorse. She set out to destroy him and destroy him she did.


If you aren’t living under a rock, you are very aware that Johnny Depp recently won his defamation suit against his blonde ex wife, Amber Heard, who wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post regarding surviving domestic violence. In the trial, she defiantly alleged that not only did Depp abuse her emotionally but physically and sexually as well. 


He had had enough of being portrayed wrongly as a wife beater and accused of such heinous violence against his ex-wife by her and her friends. Therefore, he launched a $50 million defamation suit against her. For him, it was never about the money, but Depp wanted to reclaim his reputation, which it appears he has. It was all about the truth for him. And he had to reveal within his testimony that he himself is no angel and has struggled with drug and alcohol abuse. So, in order to get to the facts, he was required to bare his soul and his many demons.


A constant stream of expert witnesses arrived to try and set the story right. They had refuted professional testimony from Amber’s team. Depp’s team had gathered the most sophisticated individuals who possessed superior knowledge and were there to shed light on the numerous loopholes the Heard side purported.


I’m curious: how do some men become infatuated with females who are clearly upwardly mobile and manipulators? Why can’t they see through them? Depp was warned by others about Heard, who  is calculating, had ulterior motives, and was prepared to stop at nothing to be in the public light. Elevator footage and numerous witnesses verified that she has grossly distorted the facts and exposed her infidelity early in this short lived marriage she desired.


In my research, I forced myself to watch some of the movies she’s been in. It was an anguishing exercise to say the least. This woman cannot act. She has used her physical attributes plus her connections, such as to Depp, to secure her larger profile films, which I suspect might end now. Her career and endorsements will likely all cease. She’s now a liability to any brand.


Depp is a seasoned actor and only now realizes that he was used and that, she lacks talent, except in her sexual approach to powerful men like Elon Musk. 


Many of these males are intelligent, lead stable lives but nonetheless a pretty face and seduction goes to their head.


It happens more often than not. It’s a game played by some females to gain power over these men. Are they truly interested in them as soulmates?  No. They are using them as just another step on the ladder to success and status.


For example, I've heard from a friend about a person who wasn't  the biggest beauty, yet she knew how to allure and entice men, some already attached to other women, to titillate herself with. It was all about power. She was a narcissist , thrilled by the game of acquisition. The term “Bait and Switch” comes to mind. It matters not whom they hurt, as long as they get to engage and enlist men into their litmus test.


How tragic. But what I find so disheartening is that as humans, we are all fallible and must learn that there are those who are deceitful narcissists are in our midst. They are users with ulterior motives.


And of course, look at the damage Amber Heard has done to all those women who have been subjected to spousal abuse. Will they now hesitate to come forward? Will we see a #MenToo movement as they too, can be abused?


I hope that she has not done such damage that it deters real victims to come forward. But we must remember that men are not the only perpetrators of abuse. It exists within both sexes.


The lesson from all this is to become a great distinguisher of a person of character. Trust those who aren’t flaunting their charms and might be trying to use you or a loved one.


It’s sad to say that not all actions are altruistic. Many carry with them mischievous motives.


“Govern yourself accordingly” as you interact with the masses.


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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