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Harriet Berkal: Exit Stage Left-A Likely Future of Imminent Enforced Deportation

by Harriet Berkal, Aug 5,2024

North America is the great melting pot of immigrants we, as sons and daughters can all relate to, from decades gone by.
Those who made that brave but treacherous journey, did so with hope in their hearts for a better tomorrow. They embraced the opportunities that a new land had to offer.
Fast forward to 2024. Yes, we still have immigrants arriving, many of them, too, are fleeing as refugees. However, we need to face the reality that millions of them are showing up at our doorsteps and aim to change the very  nature of our society.
Douglas Murray, the famous British journalist who serves as the voice of reason in the world of chaos, has been frank and vocal about his feeling regarding pro Palestinian demonstrations and the violence that has ensued in the UK. “I Don't Recognise Our Country Anymore - It's Filled With Islamists Parading Around”,| Douglas Murray. "LEAVE or ADJUST!" - Douglas Murray ( YouTube)
Are we all being held to a standard of political correctness that is going to cost us our democracy? I think we are, but not for long.
It’s become abundantly clear via the blatant disregard of many who practice Islamic extremism and who live among us, that they hate the west and want to conquer it. They state it shamelessly. These are not the same immigrants as our fathers or mothers, aunts and uncles, who journeyed over rough waters to find freedom. No, these people planned their lives here with the ulterior motive of  seeking to cause  a revolution right under our noses.
So, what’s to become of us if measures are not taken to nip this in the bud? Where will our communities be in 5,10,15 years from now?
The war in the Middle East is not just about killing Jews in that vicinity alone. It extends to our very own backyards. Islamic Radicalism is here and we are next up. Naivety will be the end of us as Jews and Christians if we don’t wake up soon.
I am anything but a Trump supporter. However, there is one thing we agree on-DEPORTATION.
Immigration lawyers may be smacking their lips and humanitarians alike might be outraged, at the mere mention at the possibility of strict deportation directives.  It will surely target those who speak of hatred of Jews or others who follow radical Islamic doctrine. Trump has indicated that he will revoke foreign student visas and force those who aren’t contributing to America in a civilized manner and refuse to be upstanding citizens. They shall not be privileged to live in the US. He will throw them out!
I do wonder why it is  other surrounding Arab countries are not offering to take in Gazan refugees ? I worry that those Gazans coming to Canada have been schooled in a culture of terror, dictatorship, and a total lack of human rights.Are they not likely to hold radical views, which include Jew -hatred?
Never did I imagine seeing the extent of protests befallen our cities. The irony that many from Black Lives Matter, or the LGBT communities, feel a kinship with Hamas terrorist groups is surreal. Where is their anger at hostages being taken, and at an unprovoked attack on Israel on October 7th
How did this all get so backwards? My cousin said it all so eloquently:” All I have to say is, where was the humanitarian aid when 6 million Jews were being exterminated in the gas chambers of Auschwitz?” Truly!
Trudeau wants to bring in thousands from the Middle East. Yes, many of those wishing to enter Canada may be refugees. But who will vet these individuals? I am not opposed to immigration by Muslims, but I am opposed to immigration by radical Islamist Muslims, who hate Jews.
I foresee a future where governments around the world will have had enough and will deem extreme measures necessary, to save their civilizations. The recent elections of right-wing governments in Europe are the beginning of that movement. Witness the Netherlands, as an example, where the PVV (‘Freedom’) wants the Islamists out of the country.  There are more countries coming. Enough with these massive protests espousing pure hatred. It’s not Nazi Germany. We are better than this.
Trump makes his promise to clean up this mess and if elected, I believe deportations on a larger scale will be enforced. There are many Democrats who share this one message, as they too, fear the danger of complicity.
History reveals to us that many world leaders find elucidations to a variety of deemed plights. They vary in nature, as not all are of the same ilk.
To Adolf Hitler his “Final Solution”, called for the extermination of all Jews. This extended to gays, disabled, gypsies and anyone who hid Jews,etc. Tragically, he loathed Jews and was threatened by their existence.
South Africa, used to be an apartheid state and treated those who were black, as less than.
North Korea has a brutal dictatorship, where many go missing similar to what happens in Russia where free speech is not tolerated.
That’s the key phrase here-“free speech”. It shouldn’t include hatred or the denunciation of any group/people who just want to live in peace.
What other solution if not deportation? No magic tincture will make this evil go away.
Our forefathers didn’t sacrifice coming to this land, only to witness history repeating itself.
Will this be viewed as a violation of human rights? Damn straight it will! But we must awaken from this mirage that unvetted immigration, carrying the tools of evil, hidden in a Trojan horse, is not the here and now.


To be clear, I am speaking of those linked to violence and hatred. Clearly, not all immigrants pose imminent harm to us. Some would suggest that they  are a burden on our healthcare system plus the housing shortages we see. That’s another discussion.
In my mind, it’s just a matter of time, where we feel deeply threatened if it hasn’t happened already.
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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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