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Complete Speech Delivered by MP Marty Morantz at Israel rally at Asper Campus Oct 10, 2023

by Marty Morantz, October 19, 2023

Tonight we are all Israelis!

Conservatives stand with Israel.

Pierre Poilievre stands with Israel.

On Saturday we woke up to unspeakable images. We must stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it defends itself from, these criminal and barbarous acts.

On Shabbat, Hamas brutally invaded Israel, invaded homes, killing hundreds, taking hostage hundreds. More Jews were killed in Saturday's aIack than in any single day since the Holocaust. Some 1500 human beings killed a single day would be like 6000 Canadians being murdered in a single aIack. They are children, babies, men, women. They were young people just out listening to music at a dance party. This was an un precedented brutal attack. 

As we speak Hamas is threatening to execute innocent hostages.

This outrage cannot, must not stand.

Don’t let anyone tell you Hamas is the legitimate voice of the Palestnian people, it is not a government. They are a genocidal murderous and evil death cult and they must be defeated.

But friends we have seen evil before.

Jews have been persecuted for millennia but we have survived.

Conservatives Unequivocally condemn the invasion of Israel by Hamas terrorists and the sadistic violence that Hamas has carried out against innocent civilians.

Now is the time for moral clarity.

There is no moral equivalency between democratic Israel and the butchers of Hamas.

There is no response, no matter how strong, that would be disproportionate to the crimes Hamas has commiIed.

• Israel has the right to defend itself against these aIacks and respond against the aIackers - as any other country would.

Theodore Herzl the father of modern Zionism said “ If you will it, it is no dream” In 1948 that dream became a reality - a homeland in Israel, the promised land. Working together Israelis turned a desert into an Oasis. An Island of democracy surrounded by a sea of autocracy. A Jewish state where Jews could live in peace free from fear and persecution.

Let there be no doubt. Israel is the ancient and indiginous homeland of the Jewish people.

We will not let the butchers of Hamas take that dream, long realized, away from us.

Many politicians will stand with Israel when it is easy. But listen to what they say when it is hard. They will talk about “both sides.” I’m here to tell you that there is only one side. The side of morality.  The side of democracy. The side of Israel.

W see too oben politicians at the United Nations unfairly single out Israel for criticism.

I will always stand against the unfair singling out of the Middle East’s only democracy.

Already there are calls for Israel to de escalate.

I ask you, Would any country de escalate aber having its people slaughtered in cold blood?

I wish the people of Israel and its brave soldiers Godspeed on their mission to defend the promised land from pure evil.

As Prime Minister Stephen Harper said: Through Fire and Water Canada will stand with you.

Am Yisrael Chai! 

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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