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Jack London

Jack London: Why Don't the Palestinians of Gaza Rid Themselves of Hamas?

by Jack London, posted here Nov 3, 2023

[Editor's note: This article was written some 10 days ago, but is still very timely and relevant]

I am Jewish. I am sickened by and angry about the unprovoked invasion of Israel by Hamas and its brutal murders, rapes, dissection and kidnappings of Israeli babies, children, women, and men. I am offended by the ignorance and distortion of the Region’s history.  I am offended by the policies of the CBC and other journalists who use the word “militants” to describe “terrorists”. Militants do not rape and amputate the heads of babies. Terrorists do. Hamas and terrorism are synonyms. They are not freedom fighters; they are oppressive cruel despots and thugs who have subjugated and sacrificed their own people. I am mortified that a group of 38 Liberal MP’s, (perhaps led astray by Prime Minister Trudeau’s own jumped to a wrongful judgement of Israel’s responsibility for the deaths in a Gaza hospital parking lot), and have authored a demand that Israel desists from pursuing the leadership and mechanisms of Hamas’ terror these many years. Just what is the alternative when cowardly terrorists use civilian populations as shields behind which to hide, plot and act out their nefarious brutality. Is a father who puts his child between him and a gunman a hero or a coward.

 Most of all, I ask myself why it is that the Palestinian population of Gaza has not itself found the desire, courage, or capacity to stand up, demand elections and exorcise its malevolent Hamas government?


 I am not a Pollyanna automaton about Israel. I don’t agree with Israel’s ultra-orthodox sects whose members fail to serve their country and, replicating the past, inhibit their future. I do not support suggestions by some Israeli settlers of the West Bank to introduce apartheid-like policies into Israel’s existing principled democracy. Apartheid was, is and must remain an antonym to Israeli ethics and democracy. I condemn the recent retaliatory murders of some Palestinians by a few settlers on the West Bank. I fear and oppose the recent attempts by PM Netanyahu and his fascistic coalition partners to take uninhibited control of government by reducing judicial expertise and oversight of Israel’s basic laws.  Netanyahu’s coalition has been, for the moment, sidelined by the recent formation of the Unity War Coalition, but it will be back in control. It is anti-democratic and increasingly and rightly disrespected in the Jewish Diaspora. Moreover, Netanyahu and his coalition conservatives have been so focused on their radical, self-serving, anti-democratic restructuring of the essential liberalism of Israel; they failed to fulfill their primary responsibilities: anticipation of, protection from and defense against inevitable attacks by Hamas and its allies  throughout its modern existence. Tragic!


Nevertheless, Israel has been a shining light of democracy, innovation, education, science, business, progress, inventiveness, peace, humanism and a haven for Jews, and others, suffering persecution around the world. Absurdly, these strengths inflate the historic conscious or unconscious anti-Semitism of much of the world for whom anti-Zionism is just a synonym for anti-Semitism. But Jews are the  historical citizens and governors of the land of Israel. Read the voluminous histories and the Bible, check the archeology, and study the scholarly works. On the other hand, a Palestinian People has never existed or held governmental control of the land of Israel. Arabs have lived on the land, named Palestine by the world’s superpowers in 1929, but they were never rulers or governors of a state. The governance for centuries had been Ottoman and, later, British. 


Compared with the never-ending deadly damage Arab leaders in the middle east have imposed on their own populations, I take great pride in Israel’s development and in the two million progressive and successful Arabs who, as residents of Israel, share rights equivalent to Jewish citizens, including participation in the Knesset, its governing Parliament.

 Hamas, which rules in and dominates Gaza, is a Mafia-like organization of masked, (always the telltale mark of terror), soldiers first elected to office in 2007 but never since forced to stand for re-election. The leadership of The Palestinian Authority has had legitimate governance rights in Gaza and the West Bank but has been hampered and obstructed by Hamas. Both the PA and Hamas have never had any compunction about senseless provocation of Israel which has led inevitably to the disbenefit of Palestinians who deserve better.  Their hate invokes continuing hardship, peril, death, and a Kafka -like impossibility of finding their way out to the light.


It is not the fault of the Palestinian residents themselves. Arab leaders, not Israelis, authored the wars in the region which have cost their peoples dearly. Successful, learned, intelligent, hardworking, affluent, peace desiring Arabs and Palestinians in Israel and the West Bank outnumber those who are poor and hawkish. They all are victims. They suffer never ending fear and malignant infection because of Hamas’s terrorism, the ineptness of the Palestinian Authority and absurdly evil misinterpretations of the Koran by radical Mullahs; all of which is supported by Iran and Hezbollah. They teach hatred of Jews to Arab children in their schools; thereby victimizing yet another generation of their own people.


 The Palestinians who suffer in the disputed territories and Gaza are victims deserving of our caring and support.   Given its seaside port and border, Gaza, which originally was Egyptian, could have flourished when Israel unilaterally withdrew its troops and settlers in 2007.  It failed because of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad. The failure was not because of Israel’s insistence on a blockade at the Gaza’s border with the sea; it’s the reasons, Hamas terror and Iranian malevolence, that a blockade has been necessary.

The Palestinians suffer from the shortsightedness of their leaders, terrorist or not, who consistently reject available solutions which would end hostilities and would permit peace and prosperity to reign for all. Peace and viable two state options have been open to Arab leaders for decades and not taken. The United Nation’s 1948 Partition Plan which divided the former British mandate into two states was rejected by the Arabs who instead chose war, twice. United Nations Resolution 242 called for a land- for- peace solution. It has been offered and refused. The 1978 Camp David Accords failed. The Oslo Accords of Israeli Prime Ministers Peres and Rabin, and PLO Chairman Arafat in 1993/95, which bore the seeds of success, were sabotaged. The generous Camp David Accord of 2000 negotiated by President Clinton between Israeli Prime Minister Barak and Chairman Arafat was quickly renounced by Arafat. Arafat likely demurred because he feared assassination by his own people if he did the right thing. 

 Israel’s two base line conditions for peace: acceptance that Jews are a People, not only a religion, and that Israel has the right to exist as a homeland of the Jewish People, have not been honored.  

My concern for the Palestinian population of Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank, stems primarily from the failure of its leaders to grab the always available opportunity to secure a new, flourishing path for their people. I bemoan their timidity and shortsightedness and I fear for the never-ending disappointment and pain of their people They deserve better from their own but their own, Hamas; are illegitimate cowards and murderers.

Abba Eban, the brilliant Israeli orator, in a speech in Geneva in 1973 famously exclaimed that “Arabs never miss the opportunity to miss an opportunity”. I wish Eban had been wrong. But, though some Arab countries have moved forward into the light, my heart tells me that in the case of the Palestinians, nothing has changed. They are doomed to suffer under the crushing heels of their immoral terrorists and incapable politicians, past and present.

Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Israel’s intention to disable Hamas once and for all will have unhappy side effects in Gaza, Israel, and the broader Middle East.  But it has no option. It is at war begun by Hamas which must be eradicated. It cannot allow terror to win. It cannot insult the memory of the victims of the Hamas massacre and the yet unknown fate of more than two hundred hostages held by Hamas.   The side effects will be many and unhappy but there is no choice. Israelis cannot be docile while facing the barrels of guns aimed at them. It must eradicate the shooters.












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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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