These days we are witness to much darkness around the world and we are hopeful that the light and love in each and everyone one of us will overcome the darkness and that we will be the change we hope to see in the world.
It is precisely at this time that that the family of Ben Hechter, z'l, felt it was appropriate to launch the Ben Hechter BENevolent Fund, at the Jewish Foundation of Manitoba to aid in the support of children facing the unfathomable reality of a parent who is sick, palliative or has passed away. This fund aims to offer flexibility, meeting the unique needs of each family it supports. This could include providing meals, assisting with tuition at the Gray Academy of Jewish Education, sponsoring a child’s school trips, or otherwise easing the burden during the most difficult times. The goal is to reach $10,000.
Ben passed away on November 1st of 2022 and he is missed every day.
Ben was a kind, smart, capable, witty, adventurous, creative fun loving man. He was very respectful of family and Jewish tradition and loved to lead the Seder on Pesach dressed up as Moses who led the Jews out of slavery and into the Holy Land. He did many good deeds and did not expect anything in return. He had a heart of gold. He was a gentleman and a true mensch. He was always there to help, assist, cook, buy, fix, replace and shop. At the beginning of covid when everyone was in lockdown, Ben sent pizzas to family and friends to lift their spirits. He was a giver.
Despite his illness. he did everything in his power to insure he could spend more time with Penny and Sam and his fight to live was nothing short of heroic. Between his many chemo treatments, setbacks and bouts in the hospital he made time to go fishing with his son Sam, to Churchill with his wife Penny to see the whales and he spent time in his happy place in Clear Lake with his family.
The little energy that he had left he spent on cooking and caring for Penny and Sam on a day to day basis as long as he physically could.
In honour of his father Ted Hechter, Ben donated a "buddy bench" to the schoolyard of the Gray Academy where children that were feeling alone could sit so others would recognize them and join them.
Everyone is invited to contribute to the Benevolent Fund, and participate in this worthy cause: