The Winnipeg Jewish Review wrote an article about the 'Palestine-Genocide' Teach in and Roundtable event on Nov 24, that was put on by U of W Professors, a one sided event that indicated Israel was a colonialist/apartheid/imperialist state, and not one speaker indicated Israel had a right to exist in the region. To read the complete article scroll down to the very bottom.
In the article the Winnipeg Jewish Review showed that a student who questioned Hamas's role in the conflict was told the question was racist and those who disagreed with the speakers and/or who asked questions did not have their questions answered or comments read out in the chat as they were told thery were "racist since they were from the Zionist perspective." Also, there were people who were kicked off the zoom event after trying to ask questions. The Winnipeg Jewish Review sent the article to U of W President Todd Mondor and received a reply from the office of the President on Dec 3, as folllows:
Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate that you have taken the time to reach out and share your thoughts and feelings with us. We hope the following clarifies why the University did not – and could not – seek to intervene:
- Universities are important spaces of critical inquiry. Faculty members' right to express their personal views is written into their collective agreement. They do not require the University’s permission to express their views through publications, lectures, and events such as this one – hundreds of which are organized every year at UWinnipeg.
- This particular event was organized independently by a group of UWinnipeg faculty members and included participants from other universities. It is similar to other events that have been organized by faculty members at universities around the world in recent weeks.
- Several other UWinnipeg faculty members were involved in another event, Antisemitism in the Wake of 7/10: Critical Perspectives from Jewish Scholars, Community Leaders, and Activists, hosted by the Jewish Community on Campus (JCOC) and the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada on November 23.
- Neither event was a University of Winnipeg event and the views expressed are not the views of the University of Winnipeg. Our published statement provides more details on our values in relation to this issue.
- Counsel to the University advised that none of the titles associated with either event violated UWinnipeg policies, the Human Rights Code, or other applicable legislation.
- If anyone feels that a University policy, the Human Rights Code, or any laws were breached, they should connect with the appropriate authority:
Thank you again for sharing your concerns regarding this important issue. We hope you will continue to share your perspective as our institution navigates these complex issues and considers the principles we are bound to uphold.
After receiving this response, The Winnipeg Jewish Review sent the following follow up questions to U of W President Mondor on Dec 12 but has not recieved a reply :
1. If this was not a U of W event as you claim, why was the Faculty of Arts at Uof W on the promotional material (which I took a screenshot of)
2. If this was not a U of W event, why is there reference to "assigned text" on the promo material (which I took a screenshot of).
3. If this was not a U of W event, how come Prof Leah Kuragano in the English department was allowed to cancel her class to attend the teach-in and round table... Students pay for Prof Kuragano to teach her classes, such that the Winnipeg Jewish Review would like an explanation as to why she was allowed to cancel her class to attend the "Palestine-Genocide" event, notwithstanding the event was being recorded and she could have seen the recording after the fact. Isn't the fact she was able to cancel her class in this matter proof that this was a University event, and also that students were being given the message that this event was important enough for their class to be cancelled, even if Prof Kuragano said her students did not have to attend or would not lose marks for attending. Please outline what the the rules U of W has for cancelling classes?
4. Why is the U of W going to passively wait to see if concerns are brought to the U of W Human Rights and Diversity Officer, as opposed to doing anything pro-active yourself based on the evidence in the article by the Winnipeg Jewish Review that questions posed by Jewish students and/or students who believe in Israel's right to exist were not answered, or referred to as "racist since they were from the Zionist perpective." You have access to the recording and can confim this was said. Also there is evidence before you in that Winnipeg Jewish Review's article that people were kicked off the zoom event. People whose questions were not answered or who were called racist or were kicked off the zoom already feel excluded and isolated and are naturally fearful of coming forward under the circumstances to complain to the U of W Human Rights and Diversity Officer, such that do you not see it incumbant upon yourself as a University to take the initiative to investigate what happened here even without a formal complaint.? By not taking the initiative to investigate this matter, how can you tell the Jewish community that you are taking this matter seriously?
5. You wrote: "Counsel to the University advised that none of the titles associated with either event violated UWinnipeg policies, the Human Rights Code, or other applicable legislation."(emphasis added) What has counsel to the University advised you about the actual manner in which the "Palestine-Genocide event" took place, regarding labelling those who disagreed with the view of the presenters, as being "racist," or in regard to kicking people who asked questions off the zoom? (Also, I note with interest that even though you claim this was not a University event, you sought legal advice as a University regarding the titles of the "Palestine-Genocide" event)
6. As a University President, do you not think it is incumbant upon you to issue a statement about what actually transpired at this event ?
The Winnipeg Jewish Review also asked these further questions on Dec 22 which have also not been answered.
1.Did the U of W Profs who ran the "Palestine-Genocide" event receive any funding for the event directly or indirectly from the University of Winnipeg? And if they did, would you not agree that this funding would demonstrate that the event was in reality a U of W sanctioned event?
2. Assuming that the U of W did in fact directly or indirectly fund this event, what was the amount of funding received?
3 In an article written Dec 5, 2023 in the Manitoban, three Uof W Profs (ALYSON BRICKEY, CHIGBO ARTHUR ANYADUBA, KERRY SINANAN )
who participated in the "Palestine-Genocide" event wrote "many of us felt unsafe doing the event from campus and instead Zoomed in from home, and those who were on campus required extra security"
This indicates that the event was initially planned be on the U of W campus, which is further proof that it was a U of W event, is it not?
Also, this article proves that some of the presenters were in fact on the U of W campus for the event. If this was really a private initiative then these presenters would have to have paid for the campus space they were using. Did they pay for this space, and if so, how much was paid?
4.In the Manitoban article quoted above, the authors indicated "extra security" was provided. Did the U of W provide this security free of charge, and if so, does this not prove that this was a U of W event? Or was this security paid for privately by the organizers of the event?
5. If the U of W funded the event directly or indirectly, and gave free space on campus for it ,and provided security for it, and was mentioned in the publicity for the event, would you not agree that the sum total of this means that this was a U of W sanctioned event?
[Editor's note: I hope the reason that the U of W's President's office has fallen silent is because it is investigating the actual manner in which this event was carried out]
The 'Palestine and Genocide' Teach in and Roundtable by U of W Profs- Was the Academic Freedom and Dignity of Those Who Disagreed Violated?
by Rhonda Spivak, Dec 2, 2023
I take what happened at the "Palestine and Genocide: Reflections on Imperialism, Settler Colonialism, and Decolonization" Teach In and Roundtable on Nov 24, 2023 very seriously.
The advertisement of the event I saw referred to it as being put on by the Faculty of Arts, University of Wpg. I understood from the plain meaning of the words that this was a U of W event. On Nov 17, the U of W President and Vice Chancellor Todd Mondor and Dr. Pavlina Radia, Provost and Vice President, Academic issued a statement about this event which can be read in full at
That statement said there is "an obligation on faculty to ensure that their conduct accords with University policy and other lawful limits on free expression" and "all academic events in any way associated with the University of Winnipeg are required to align with these principles."
If further said, "In an increasingly polarized world, universities have a responsibility to be places where debate on difficult issues can be conducted…. It is our duty to ensure that all perspectives, so long as they are lawful and inclusive, can be heard, and that those who disagree can safely engage in respectful debate [emphasis added].
"This is an important time for all members of our University community to foster ethical, respectful engagement that aligns with our values based in diversity and inclusion, human rights, and respectful workplace and learning environments [emphasis added] . ..We must ensure that every member of our community is treated with empathy and respect.
I want to look at the way two questions were answered by Dr. Kerry Sinanon, who is an Assistant Professor in the English Department at U of W who moderated the event and answered questions people posted in the chat.
Question:In discussing traumatic experience, don't you think it is relevant and critical to mention the terror and trauma brought onto innocent civilians on 10/7 by Hamas. How does perpetrating more trauma and terror in the region help the Palestinian movement or put end to the 'Zionist Project'. If anything, wouldn't this further divide the region and take us further away from a viable end to this
Dr. Kerry Sinanan: Questions that seek to align the speakers with Hamas are racist and will not be entertained. Thank you.[emphasis added].
I ask the President of U of W Todd Mondor, what kind of answer is that? The person who asked a legitimate question was entitled to an answer about Hamas's role in this current war. Instead, were they not in fact dismissed, shut down, demeaned and belittled by being told in essence that their question was racist ? Is this not a violation of U of W's policy on academic freedom, in that the academic freedom of the person asking the question was violated?
Question: "What role does hamas play in the occupation and in the sufferage of the palestinian people, if any? As well, I heard that Hamas fired rockets at Israel 15 minutes after the temporary ceasefire began today. Is this true? If so, how should Israel react to protect civilians, regardless of their geographic location?"
Dr. Kerry Sinanan answered: None of our panelists has knowledge of Hamas operations. We are scholars and academics.
I ask the U of W President Mondor, what kind of answer is that? There was no answer to the question of what role does Hamas play in the suffering of the Palestinian people. And, by the way, if Dr. Sinanan has no knowledge of Hamas operations, how does she have knowledge of Israeli operations? If she can't say anything about Hamas's role in the conflict, how can she say anything about Israel's role in the conflict. Rather than enabling the Jewish student to engage in respectful debate, was the student not shut down ?
Also President Mondor, have you asked the organizers why they spliced out one speaker from the event, a Palestinian woman named Sarah, who said on Oct 7 she felt a sense of shock, "but also because of my Muslim faith, a huge sense of relief because I know that Palestinians will resist..." ? [emphasis added]. Sarah went on to say "The resistance is justified." Could it be she was spliced out because her views align with those of Hamas? [Sarah spoke after Dr. Alyson Brickey, Assistant Professor in the Department of English but she is not on the you tube released]
Now let me tell readers what else I heard at Teach-In and Roundtable.
I did not hear one panelist who said that he or she recognized Israel's right to exist as a state in the region. Palestinian academic Ghada Sasa said her grandfather was from Ramle and that her family has the right to return to Ramle (which is near Lod, where Ben-Gurion Airport is). She said a two state scenario was gone “a long time ago,” and in any event "My home is not part of the West Bank or Gaza" as her grandfather came from Ramle. She advocated for a “one state solution,” whereby Israel is destroyed as a state in the region. Sarah, the Palestinian woman said that "most Palestinians" want the "right of return" of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, the lifting of the siege on Gaza, and "the end of the occupation in its entirety" and that "these three things cannot be met under a Zionist project."
I did not hear one panelist condemn or make any negative remarks about Hamas's actions on Oct 7, or indicate it was recognized as a terror group by the Canada and many others in the Western world. Nor did any panelist say that Israeli hostages taken by Hamas ought to be freed.
There were panelists who referred to Israel as an apartheid state.
I did not hear any panelist say that there has been a continuous presence of Jews in the land of Israel for 3000 years such that they are indigenous to the land of Israel. Academics referred to Israel as a colonialist and imperialist state, such that Zionists were not indigenous to the land of Israel.
There was no panelist who said that Israel was NOT committing genocide against Palestinians
I did not hear one speaker who advocated for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I did not hear any speaker cast any responsibility for the current conflict on the failure of Palestinian leadership.
I did not hear any reference to the 1947 UN partition plan calling for a Jewish and Arab state, which was accepted by Israel but rejected by the Mufti of Jerusalem and surrounding Arab states who attacked the nascent State of Israel). There was scant mention of the 1993 Oslo Accords, nor was there any mention of peace plans put forth by Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, which would have seen the creation of a Palestinian state.
At no time did I hear any of the panelists disagree with each other in any major way or on any major point, such that it is easy to conclude that all the perspectives presented were "anti-Zionist" and "anti-Israel."
Near the end of the Teach-In, Dr. Kerry Sinanon, said "we've seen some comments in the question and answer that these are not multiple perspectives." She said "I want to say very clearly that this is a very racist perspective."(emphasis added). She said this was an "inclusive" teach in with the participation of people from "different backgrounds, ethnicities, countries and academic disciplines." The comments of those who disagreed were not read out.
I ask the U of W President Mondor whether those who disagreed with the portrait of Israel as a colonialist/imperialist/apartheid/genocide committing State were treated with respect and could "safely engage in respectful debate," as per your Nov 17 statement?
Calling those who disagree with you as coming from "a very racist perspective" is, insulting, demeaning, disrespectful and a form of bullying, is it not?
Has the U of W considered whether the Human Rights Code applies in this situation? As a matter of principle is the U of W committed to ensuring in practice that the guarantees of non-discrimination and non-harassment in the Human Rights Code are applied in practice with equal vigour to protect Jewish students and those who support the right of Israel to exist?
Will the U of W put on an officially sponsored forum with at least equal publicity to provide those with different views to respond?
BUT there is more. There were Jewish attendees of the event who believe in Israel's right to exist who were removed from the event after asking questions which indicated they had differing views than those being presented by the panelists.
Will you President Mondor be investigating whether there were Jewish attendees of the event who believe in Israel's right to exist, who were kicked out of the event, after asking questions, and if so, how many Jews were kicked out? Did they receive messages saying "You were removed from this webinar by the host and cannot rejoin?"
I have also spoken to a Jewish person who tried to register part way into the program, but was disallowed. Why was this?
Will the U of W be producing for the public a complete list of all the questions in the chat and the way they were answered by Dr. Sinanon ? Were there any questions deleted from the chat?
Will there be any consequences for the violation of the academic freedom of Jewish students and/or community members who tried to engage in respectful debate on the issues, or does academic freedom just apply to some, and not others?
By the way, President Mondor, given there was controversy about this event prior to its taking place, what steps were taken to ensure that the discussion at the Teach in and Roundtable would live up to your Nov 17 statement ?
What corrective measures will be taken to ensure that this happens never again?
On the subject of genocide, Ghada Sasa, who spoke at the roundtable part of the program said that Zionist voices could not be speakers at this event as "Zionist voices they are supporting the genocidal project." [meaning Israel]. In other words, if you support Zionism, which to me means you believe in Israel’s right to exist as a state in the region, you are by this twisted logic a supporter of genocide.
I, for one, certainly do not agree with every Israeli government policy, or every statement made by every Israeli politician, but since I firmly believe in Israel’s right to exist, and I believe in Israel’s right to self defense after Oct 7, I automatically become a supporter of genocide using Sasa’s twisted logic. And since most Jews are Zionists, we therefore according to this twisted logic become supporters of genocide, and it’s easy to see how we become the objects of hatred. It’s no wonder Jew hatred is increasing in Winnipeg, even though Jews in Winnipeg do not control Israeli policy in any way. President Mondor have you so far effectively tolerated a climate of antisemitism by allowing the program to proceed in the fashion it did ?
Finally on twitter, on Oct 21, Emily Leedham posted footage of Winnipeg’s “ All Out for Palestine rally”, with a large Palestinian flag. Fadi Ennab, a Palestinian academic, who participated in the Roundtable November 24th zoom event, tweeted, ‘I hope the ripples of that flag echos to bring down every Zionist infrastructure from Winnipeg to Palestine. Free Free Palestine! Thank you @Emily_Leedham_ for capturing the heart of the movement!”
I ask President Mondor, what did Ennab mean by referring to bringing “down every Zionist infrastructure” in Winnipeg? Is he talking about bringing down the Asper Campus, where an Israeli flag flies?
The 'Palestine and Genocide' Teach in and Roundtable by U of W Profs- Was the Academic Freedom and Dignity of Those Who Disagreed Violated?