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Harriet Berkal: EEMA ( MOTHER in Hebrew)

by Harriet Berkal, June 10, 2024

Each of us has/had a mother at one time. They are the first ones to care and nurture us.


Since October 7, 2023, one particular woman comes to mind and it’s Rachel Pullman Goldberg, otherwise known as Hersh’s mom. She is a captain amongst women.


He was taken hostage at the Nova Music Festival, having his lower left arm blown off by a grenade. He survived that horrific incident and Hamas even used him in one of their cruel videos taken to criticize Netanyahu and encourage a cease fire.


That was the first time Hersh’s parents saw him alive and heard his voice. I suspect that was bittersweet. It confirmed life, but the angst of not being able to touch him or have him home, must have left them in agony.


It’s a reminder to all of us who still have mothers alive, how precious that relationship is.


Rachel is at the forefront, championing for the return of ALL hostages. She wears that piece of ever changing masking tape on her shirt daily, reflecting the number of days he’s been missing. She is strong, brave and surviving is the only option.


Lately, I was perusing tic toc, as I find it a fascinating forum ranging in topic from soups to nuts.


But one forum has caught my attention and in fact angers me to no end. To date, I’ve noticed about 5-6 presenters who are life coaches( unregulated ) and who are focusing their appeal to a generation of young adults, who feel they have toxic mothers.


The coaches encourage their audience that it’s okay to cut off the relationship with their moms ( never a mention of a father ). They go so far , in fact, as to encourage their members to preserve one’s mental health and even withdraw the grandchildren from their grandmothers in their lives.


Never is there a mention to waive your right to any inheritance claims. I find that extremely interesting.


Are there abusive moms ? Surely? Otherwise CFS wouldn’t have any work. But we aren’t talking about those mothers. We are talking about boundaries, commentaries contrary to an offspring’s value system, etc.


But recently, I finally came across a woman brave enough to fight back. She claimed that she did her best raising her kids with love and attention. Her main point was that words or silence was eating away at her soul. The advice she offered was to use your words politely or say, I need a few days to collect myself. And she hoped that her kids would partake in this truce. She was broken.


Then I thought of Rachel, Hersh’s mom. What she would give, to even have a dispute with her beloved only son. To know that he is alive and that she cannot after October 7 th, ever take for granted that she has a child who is a young adult she loves with all of her heart.


I feel the younger generation desperately need to connect the dots on the reality that:


  1. We are living in a day and age of great uncertainty, filled with overwhelming hatred and violence;


  1. Families need to unite and treasure their existence whilst other units have been destroyed;


  1. Never take for granted that you can pick up a phone and reconnect - do it now, when the certainty exists!


Rachel would and has done everything in her power to push forward everyday to keep Hersh’s presence, alive on the world’s stage.


I have no idea if she or Hersh ever fought before October 7th.  But I do know and pray that he returns home along with the rest of the hostages. It is then that he will see what a remarkable mother he has who through her pain, never gave up, engaged the powers that be to keep negotiating and was always IN YOUR FACE!


Ultimately you want a mom like that. Hersh would be so proud of his mom. I’m guessing he’d have a word or two for those numerous, mouthy life coaches, who truly are vile in their encouragement to discount all the moms out there who have made a difference in the lives of their kids.


Keep praying that all the hostages get out safely and return to their loved ones sooner than later.


Am Israel Chai


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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