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Harriet Berkal


by Harriet Berkal, Sept 1,2024


We are fast approaching the holiest of Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur. These of course, mark the beginning of the Jewish New Year.


I think it’s fair to say that the majority of Jews celebrate both December 31st /January 1st  as their non-Jewish “New Year” according to the Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar used in most parts of the world. ... It went into effect in 1582. (Wikipedia)


For me, the term New Years now serves as a trigger for my 2023/24 emergency bowel perforation surgery, having gone septic and being operated on whilst the clock struck 12 midnight, and the world welcomed 2024. I often wonder if the staff performing my operation took a brief second to exchange a joyous “Happy New Year” to one another or not.


It marked a lifesaving operation, with me inheriting an ileostomy bag, 11 days in ICU fighting for my life and a two month stay in the hospital. But I’m here to tell the tale. I have faced death, and it has changed my perspective on life.


That saga left us with many war wounds, but something good did come out of this rough patch.


I can proudly say that as we bring out the apples and honey to mark the Jewish New Year of 5785, I will be getting ready for my next surgery, reversing the ileostomy and fixing two hernias. I will be restoring some normalcy to my life after an extremely challenging 8-9 months.


Since last October 7th and the massacre targeted upon Israel with the largest number of Jews slaughtered since the Holocaust, it’s fair to say we can clearly see the difference between good and evil; rotten apples ready to commit heinous crimes against humanity and the favourable ones, worthy of good will.


As I started to write this column, Hersh Goldberg-Polin and 5 other hostages were found murdered by Hamas as the IDF closed in on a tunnel in Raffah. My heart bleeds for his family and all of those who have lost loved ones in this tragic saga.


Hersh was a good soul, fun loving and a young person simply attending a music festival celebrating peace. His parents need to be applauded for their massive efforts in keeping him at the forefront of our minds. Alas, he was still slaughtered. His mother’s wails will forever remain in my mind. She advocated for him the whole ten months and then some. We all need those caring of us in our lives.


How did I survive this often scary and stressful health scare, if not for the help of my husband Larry, who has been at by my side throughout? He has been there for every bag change at home and even helped me in public family washrooms as impediments were faced. He orders my supplies and picks them up.


That dreadful day, I woke up feeling like I had a tornado inside and fell to the bathroom floor. We both hadn’t a clue what lay in store for either of us by day’s end.


Larry spent from 10:30 pm/2023 until 2:30 am/2024 sitting alone in the family waiting room during my 4-hour operation. They were looking for cancer which I didn’t have. My husband prayed and looked up chants for recovery online. I wouldn’t classify him as a pious Jew, but at this juncture he turned to God and worship.


He remembers the nurse coming out and relieving Larry with news I was cancer free. That was just the beginning of our journey together with my broken body in the hands of our healthcare system.


You never know when you shall be facing death. We were both in shock. And I didn’t make it very easy for him, as I insisted, we leave the ER after 8 hours of waiting with the goal of returning home to call yet another ambulance. What a crap shoot. Thankfully, it paid off. What the first responders missed; the second ones were right on it. That, in fact, saved my life.


Larry has been there for me throughout this episode and has been totally engaged in my care. I suspect I too, have been involved in his type 1 diabetes battle for the past 43 years as well. That’s what a marriage is about; being there for each other.


But I’m terrified of yet another surgery, but I am in the best hands and at a different hospital.


But my CORE knows that Larry and my loved ones, will be by my side cheering me on and caring for me before, during and post op.


I believe Hersh knew that his family would rally for him and leave no stone unturned within their power. Yet despite all their efforts, they could not control the outcome. The demagogues took what could have been a fruitful narrative and instead violated those whose 10 months of suffering was not lost on us.


Radicalism has no place in our society. Those with a mandate for evil cannot be tolerated. We see certain countries taking back control and deporting agitators back from whence they came. Democracy is at stake.


As well, this is a time of atonement, when we repent for our sins.


As we also approach the one-year anniversary of October 7th, let us pray for a more peaceful existence and future. Trees were planted at the site of the Nova music festival.


Jewish National Fund-USA director of marketing and mission, Dara Shapiro said, “As we planted tree saplings and walked through the Nova music festival site, my heart ached in a way I didn’t know it could. Trees take years to mature and bear fruit, unlike other plants, such as the vegetables and herbs we planted in the surrounding fields during the mission. You can’t harvest them in a month or two after planting like the other crops. However, when the trees finally flower, they continue to flourish, and bear produce for decades. In this spirit, I feel our efforts symbolize that we are true partners with these communities as we rebuild and renew their towns and villages, not just for today but for tomorrow, the next day and for future generations.” -


If you wish to honour a loved one or any Jew or IDF soldier this October 7th, please follow this link


It’s a mitzvah to reincarnate that area where pure carnage took place. May the future yield sweet fruit in memory of all those who died.


Chag Sameach!

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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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