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Two versions of US statement on incitement

By David Bedein , Israel Resource News Agency

Before PM Netanyahu flew to meet with President Obama, the Israel Knesset Education Committee held an unprecedented hearing on the subject of
Palestinian education.

The committee concluded that where the PA schools were preparing the next generation for  a war to liberate all of Palestine.

As a result, the Knesset Education Committee sent Bibi a letter which asked that the PM ask Obama to insist on a PA curriculum that would be devoid of

After the meeting with the president, PM Netanyahu said that "I think with the help of President Obama, President Abbas and myself should engage in
direct talks to reach a political settlement of peace, coupled with security and prosperity. This requires that the Palestinian Authority prepare its
people for peace in schools, textbooks and so on,'   said the Prime Minister.

In Bibi's presence, President Obama referred to the issue of incitement.

However, in the public statement issued for the record, Obama omitted the issue of incitement.

Sent: Thu, Jul 08, 2010, 02:51 PM
Subject: 2 versions of US statement on incitement

To David Baker,
Thank you for your prompt replies to my question. I am just following up on  our exchange of correspondence yesterday.

According to  what you sent me yesterday, after meeting with the meeting with the president, PM Netanyahu said that "I think with
the help of President Obama, President Abbas and myself should engage in direct talks to reach a political settlement of peace, coupled with security
and prosperity. This requires that the Palestinian Authority prepare its people for peace in schools, textbooks and so on.'
I have checked the White House website and have learned of a discrepancy.
In Prime Minister Netanyahu's  presence, President Obama referred to the issue of incitement, saying 'I think it’s very important that the Palestinians not look for excuses for incitement, that they are not engaging in provocative language; that at the international level, they are maintaining a constructive tone, as opposed to looking for opportunities to embarrass  Israel."

However, in the public statement issued for the record by the White House,  the issue of incitement was omitted altogether. In other words,the above statement  that I have highlighted in yellow was omitted altogether.
Can you comment on this discrepancy?
Has anyone in PM Netanyahu's office inquired as to why this issue oif incitement was dropped altogether in  the public statement  on the White House website?
If you haven't been aware of this  discrepancy, now that you are, will this be something you take up with the White House?
I have a deadline tommorrow bofore the Sabbath and would appreciate hearing back from you as soon as possible?


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Rhonda Spivak, Editor

Publisher: Spivak's Jewish Review Ltd.

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